
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:39:20
Jason is buying some toy bears ()his son 介词填空 英语改被动句Please look at the photo,it‘s so nice(改为被动句)Please _____ _____ _____ _____ the nice photo 各位能不能帮忙介绍一些老外常用的“惊叹词”啊,最好注明所表达的意思! 动物动物为什谟叫动物 i hope i can see it no more than too time. A train can more than one thousands passengers at a time Tom,some,is,food,and,buying,drink,连成句子 同音异形词 英语怎么说 step by step,foot by foot这两者的区别是什么? 英语中谓语可以分成为谓语动词加宾语状语,主语下面还可以再分吗?求求你帮个忙好吗 send away的用法 My friend _____ that I should see a doctor. 下图单位为厘米,A点和B点分别把所有的边以1:2分成两段,求阴影部分的面积. They decided to have their daughter ____________ (educate) 请分子句子成分,还有为什么用educated I enjoy the realisc feeling of being a traveller.中realisc的意思 求A阴影的面积? 如图,阴影部分面积是( ) A.2分之11xy B.2分之13xy C.6xy如图,阴影部分面积是( )A.2分之11xy B.2分之13xyC.6xy D.3xy 为什么有护城河 保护护城河的文章 100——200字 护城河的作用 我不懂英文 英文怎么说啊我不懂英文是这个问题 我不懂英文.这句话用英语怎么说? 请根据所给提示词语将下列汉语句子译成英语.1.他必须马上给凯特回信.(reply)_____________________2.他走进房间后打开了灯.(turn on)________________________________3.如果你想收发邮件,必须让你的电 We went in a yellow taxi(改为否定句)急 the taxi is yellow的复数 将下列汉语句子译成英文212.我想晚饭后散散步._____________________________ 13.他花了28元钱买了双新鞋._____________________________ They can help us.(被动语态)We ___ __ ___ by them. 下图中正方形的面积是90平方厘米,求阴影部分的面积. 谁知道下面这句英语该怎么译成汉语?The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part,during which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn.这是大学英语第二课里的一句话,请问该怎么翻译成汉语. they longed to have families to continue their lives . go back to their lives and their livelihoods什么意思? I feel very tired.To live their