
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:55:35
因果范畴是什么意思 黄土坡上有什么族的人? 二道高中英语His opinion was such a good one ________his family all agreed to accep. They are still very cautious about________side effect the new medicine will bring about,although the experts have tried it on about 2000 patients. 第一个为 如果3之笔头可换一支新笔,小明现在有9支笔头,试问她最终可用到几支新笔 Children today are still suffering from heavy work,----------at preparing them for entrance examinationto aimaimedaiminghaving been aimed 1.The five fireman the director had the five people in the fire were highly praised.A.rescue B.rescued C.had rescued2.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see the next year.A.carried out B.to carry out第一题选A第二题选A为 what (to be done )next?为什么不能用being done,还有next是表示将来的时间壮语么,是的话为什么不用将来时第二题when you finish (reading )the passage ,please raise your hand.我知道使用ing,having read解释下为 1.Please forgive me.回答:___ I know you did not mean it .A Take it easy .B.Forget it.2.Sorry,I broke .回答:____You didn't mean to.A.Never mind B.Don't mention it.这2个问题是不是差不多啊I know you did not mean it 和You didn't mean 1:Although they plant trees in this area every year,the tops of some hills are still___.A:blank B:hollow C:vacant C:bareblank和bare都有空白的意思,该选哪个呢?2:There's an opinion___ on the facts.A:based B:basing C:that base D:which base3: 几道高中英语小题,求教!9 -.hey,look where you are going -oh,I'm terribly sorry._____A I haven't notice B I wasn't noticing用现在完成时表过去的行为对现在有影响不是也说得通?10.They have ___most carefully the time and mo 高中英语小题bob is the only one of those foreigh experts who --------in china now A worked B is working C are working D have been working 举例说明 世上有许多美人,他们青春时放荡无度,晚年时却羞愧难当是培根的《谈美》,我要关于 历史上有相貌但没有美德,或者“青春时放荡无度,晚年时却羞愧难当.”的例子!恰当的就行 高中英语,简单小题请问 I remember my grandfather very much.very much.为什么是错的.不能修饰remember吗?very much不是表程度吗This made for the growth in the 某某,这句子成分怎么划分?谢谢! 花开花谢,因缘际遇. 喷薄而出的薄在《新华字典》里是哪条解释? 黄土坡怎么样 what's the valueness of the work of art? 商鞅和梭伦是如何协调社会不公平现象,追求人类公平与公正的 does后面怎么没有动词原形呢?Who___ the washing in your family?(肯定没有抄错)A.makes B.does C.takes标准答案是选择B.句子中没有动词原形能成立吗? “Does”后面的动词是否要保持原形?请问第三人称单数现在式的,“Does”(提问)后面的动词是否要保持原形? 一只乌鸦从其巢飞去,先飞出去、向其巢的300米的一点,接着再向东400米的地方飞去,在那里吃了一些谷物后立即返巢.乌鸦所飞的途径构成了一个三角形(假设巫妖总是沿直线飞行),这个三角 什么叫蓝海战略,红海战略 乌鸦在家做巢好不好 什么是营销当中的“蓝海战略”和“红海战略”? 若a,b为实数,且3-a-b的绝对值+4-4ab+a∧2b∧2=0,则以a,b为根的二次方程为 红海战略和蓝海战略是指什么? 什么是红海战略、蓝海战略? it was in 2000 when he was still in college that he got his first book published.前面两句话不写了,that后面引导的是什么句型啊? 哪类粒子遵循pauli不相容原理 学神:异核双原子基态电子组态怎么排啊,以及能级怎么算(异核).周公度第四版 分子轨道理论比如CO :kk(1σ)^2(2σ)^2(1π)^4(3σ)2;NF:KK(1σ)^2(2σ)^2(3σ)^2(1π)^4(2π)^2能级图怎么画的. 一道高中英语小题 一道不难的高中英语小题I do not like hard ____( work ).此处为何填work?而非working?