
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:33:27
He is_(good)at learning match.He is much_(good)at Chinese and he is the_(good)at English. what that in english?be的适当形式 "He is good at scoring 英语翻译:那太荒谬了(用that’s ridiculous 还是its ridiculous) she is a good volleyball player and she is good at ________(score) goals Trip sb.over 是把某人绊倒还是被某人绊倒? What can a man be but a woman can't? be good to sb.与 be good with sb.是否可以通用? Don't be a woman that needs a man.Be a woman that a man needs. be good with sb at sth翻译此词组 donot be a woman that needs a man be a woman a man什么意思. what does the woman think that man did wrong 商店有三种颜色的颜料,红色的每桶1.5千克,黄色的每桶2千克,白色的每桶2.5千克,为了方便顾客,把三种颜料都分装成0.5千克的小桶.三种油漆的价格不相等,已知每千克10元的装了80小桶,12元的装 比赛最终被定格为3比2/3比0 是这么表达吗the score was tied three to two / three to nothing 应该是:“we introduce the three of them.”还是“we introduce three of them. be overcome to be over sb 和 be over (with)sb 这两个有什么区别吗? what can travel around the world and still stay in one corner What is something you could do now that would positively effect the world around you?求这篇作文题目最好长一点 能发言两分钟的 一楼的不错但能不能稍微长一点啊。 What you can't see ____the planets that move in circles around those hot B.thatC.when D.whether 懂英语谚语的高手来下⒈When you meet you friend,you face shines-you have found gold.⒉Friends are like wine;the older,the better.⒊A friend in need is a friend indeed.⒋The best mirror is an old friend.⒌A friend to all is a friend to what's that button for?(保持意思不变) what's the▁ ▁ that button?what can you▁ ▁that button? σ ε怎么读?来下英语音标 懂英语谚语的高手来下啊!⒈When you meet you friend,you face shines-you have found gold.⒉Friends are like wine;the older,the better.⒊A friend in need is a friend indeed.⒋The best mirror is an old friend.⒌A friend to all is a frien There are ____ workers in this factory than _______ that one.A.many more,in B.much more ,inC.fewer,those in D.fewer,/ 适当形式填空说为啥要这样填1.they have to go(cross)the river to school every day2.are you afraid(speak)in front of many people3.the(village)want to have a's not easy for many students in s village(get)to school5.i'm (true)so crosses boy the river the school to day every go to 连词成句 she is the taller of two 这句为什么要加The sb win every time属于完整的句子吗.是哪种简单句 1、win over sb 2、win sb over 3、win over sth 4、win s She is the taller than Kate of two (girls).有错吗 请问win the heart of sb当sb是复数时heart还用加s吗?