
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:24:45
选择填空 The girl looks so much_______ her mother A.at B.as C.like D.after ______(be)the girl _____(like)her mother______(like)eating snacks The girl____her mother and father is American.填什么只能填介词 商店运来桔子250千克,橙子200千克,运来的橙子比桔子少几分之几 蜻蜓是完全还是不完全变态发育RT可是你不觉得蜻蜓从幼体带成体变化很打吗? 商店运来桔子250kg,橙子200kg ,运来的桔子比橙子多几分之几? 蚱蜢的英文,蜻蜓的英文 商店运来桔子250千克,比运来的橙子多四分之一,运来的橙子有多少千克? 蚂蚱和蜻蜓 郑渊洁 表达思想 商店运来桔子250kg,橙子200kg ,运来的橙子比桔子少几分之几? milk with coffee---Would you like some coffee?---Yes,please.By the way,do you have any milk?I perfer milk____coffee.A.from B.with C.to D.for请问ABCD中选哪个,请说明为什么,有milk with coffee 这一说么?好像都是coffee with milk SOYBEAN MILK COFFEE怎么样 I prefer coffee with milk可以这么说吗,答案上说不能、、、、哪个NB给我解释下 iced coffee,ice coffee,ice milk ……iced coffee,ice coffee这两种用法那种对?两种都见过 ice milk,iced milk 确切意思是什么 用法正确吗? 求《Coffee→Milk←Cola》邮箱:wjy517674883@126.com谢谢 The girl ——(look) very happy,because her mother is going to buy her a beautiful dress.用括号内所给的单词的适当形式投靠 Miss Carter is a beautiful girl. Her father--two years ago and her mother made a terrible mistakeand---.They began to live a hard life.When she---middle school,she couldn't go on studying.Her uncle found a---for her.Mr Baker,a rich shopkeeper,hired h Look!The girl等待 her mother in the classroom 等待那里应该怎么填 look at the little girl ,she her mother .A run for B runs C is running D is running to 妈妈带了一笔钱去水果市场买水果,若买橙子30千克,差4元;若买橘子40千克,则多20元,两种水果的价格和差2元1角.问两种水果的单价分别是多少?算式不是方程 甲乙两个班共有学生85人,甲班人数3分之1的和乙班人数的8分之3相等.甲乙两班各有多少人? 英语高手来下the girl is shy .look she is< >her mother now.A:in front of B:near C:behind Gina is a s_____ girl.Look!She is behind her mother. There _____ some water and milk in the bottle. The little girl can't find her mother,so she is crying s_____.首字母填空哦 “蝾螈”是不是娃娃鱼啊?娃娃鱼的学名叫什么啊? 娃娃鱼可是蝾螈 有甲、乙两个粮库.甲粮库里存粮120吨.如果把甲粮库中粮食的6分之1搬进乙粮库中,两个粮库里的存粮就相等.原来乙粮库中存粮多少吨? the little is sitting beside her mother.同义转换 the little girl is sitting __ __her mother. the little girl is as______as her mothera beautiful b more beautiful c much beautiful d beautifully The little girl is very happy when her mother is with her. The little girl is looking for her mother.(对划线部分提问)划线部分为:her mother_______ _______the little girl looking for?