
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:50:15
如图,已知直三棱柱ABC—A1B1C1中,AC⊥BC,D为AB的中点,且AC=BC=BB1求证:BC1⊥AB1求BC1到平面CA1D的距离 英语翻译1 帮助车辆在陷车时拜托困境2 缓慢匀速通过特别崎岖不平的路面错了,应该是帮助车辆在陷车时摆脱困境 还有再补充几个单词的翻译:左前,右前,左后,右后,挂入倒档时显示 a与b立方的差 怎样表示 用代数式表示a、b两数的立方和与a、b两数和的立方的商 粗心的小胖,在做减法时,把被除数十分位上的3看做8,正确计算结果是6.32,则小胖做的答案是(). 粗心的小胖,在做减法时,把被减数十分位上的6看作9.正确计算结果是27.45 粗心的小胖在做加法时,把某个加数百分位上的6看成了9,结果得到的和是27.45,原来正确的和是多少 一个粗心的学生,在做一道减法时,把被减数十分位上的0看成了9,把减数百分位上的5看成了8,结果得到的差为43.67,正确的差为(). open the floor to questions是何意思 open the floor to question什么意思 open the floor 是啥意思 open the floor to the quesaions 是啥意思 英语翻译 求一本英文小说(名著)的英语内容概要任意一本你看过的,英文的内容概要500字左右最好易懂些的.能用来讲滴 急求随便一本英语名著的每个章节概括!概括不用太长,要快啊,赶作业,随便一本英语名著,每个章节,用英语概括新概念.1l真有想象力,可我要的是切实啊 百度查了没有啊 一整本名著.没时间读了 用英文一两句话概括中国四大名著 英语翻译Remember,we run a boutique studio with offices in new york city and Minneapolis,and to have that level of design thinking be the expectation is a radical maturity in the market. 英语翻译 How they want to play with their friends In the open air (a平方)立方÷(a平方)平方等於? 如果a的平方=a的立方,那么a=( ) 希望大家帮忙翻译一句英文,非常感谢.i knew how to make a book, screen print flat colors, and become a samurai with an Xacto knife. 若a的立方=a,则a=;若三次根号a=a,则a= 英语翻译: the initial bona fide offering (应该是和发行证券有关) 英语翻译:Non-Offering Prospectus和Offering Prospectus应该怎么翻译? 英文翻译,急用~ offering stage什么意思?Are you interviewing elsewhere? If yes, is it in offering stage? How attractive is it to you?英文简历中遇到的,不晓得offering stage什么意思感觉翻译的都不太合适:如果参加过 证券英语翻译:have sufficient capacity under the shelf to conduct the offering(这里的shelf是募集资金中涉及到的“上架登记”中的)请对这方面有一些了解的人帮我看看. what do you think is the most beautiful place in china and why请用英语作答 China has the most people in the worldThe population of China is larger than ___ ___ any other country in the world 英语选择题I'm a Chinese and I think Chinese language is a most beautiful languageI'm a Chinese and I think Chinese language is a most beautiful languagemost beautiful language ,为什么 英语翻译The table below gives the value of these properties for var-ious encoding schemes.Note that there are many variationsof each scheme.For example,we experimented with threeversions of dictionary encoding before settling on the onedescribed 英文谜语why is a pig the most unusual animal in the world?why is a pig the most unusual animal in the world? Because it is killed before it is cured (烧烤待处理).这个谜语答案是什么意思啊?有人看的懂吗? 英语作文题目:How to protect endangered animal in the world如今有许多动物都濒临灭绝,请以上面的题目写一篇80字的短文谈谈你的想法,内容自由发挥~