
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:57:39
As your good friend and a Beijing local,i am very pround to invite you to come to China wacthing the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,here i have preparrd a very convinient room for you,and i believe you would enjoy a marvolous time at here since there are 英汉互译, 求篇英语作文 modern chinaWhen did modern china begin?Discuss and state why you think this.In what ways has China changed?Compare the present to the past.As china moves into the 21st century what does the future hold? 帮我找一篇英语作文,题目叫《我们的家长在中国》错了,应该是我们的家乡在中国。 英语作文:题目是中国的情人节或圣诞节或愚人节 一篇英语作文,题目是我最想去的中国的一个城市昆明 听不懂英语怎么办、、、、 英语翻译我是做英语翻译的,如果需要陪客户出国谈判,短期,这种情况下,我应该办理哪种护照?因私普通护照,还是因公普通护照?因私普通护照是否只用于旅游? 办护照 英语翻译 英语翻译 求“因为护照过期,导致不能入境.” 的英文翻译 我现在要印一个名片.部门:第一营业部(日本公司的营业部,其它就是销售部)怎么翻译?The first sales Dep.是不是?职务:拓展经理(主要是开发代理商的经理)怎么翻译?半小时内回复有效! 我是个英语菜鸟,但是我准备考验(我是环艺新生)准备奋发学习英语,从哪入手,怎么学,除了大学的课本还要不要学别的像新概念什么的,语法要怎么学?我感激不仅 A monkey likes miming man’s action.One day a man wants to play a joke on the monkey.First he gives the monkey a banana.So when he peels the banana,the monkey peels,too.He eats,the monkey eats,the monkey eats.He smiles,the monkey smiles.He pretends 我不懂英语,可以学软件吗?我刚读中专出来还没碰过软件! 我不懂英语,应该怎么学较好?比较好的步骤是?我会法语,但是英语不懂,可是现在想要学,不知从何开始,不知哪位有好方法?最好是能告诉我法语与英语的相似之处,我可以综合一下. 英语 我不懂英语不知道怎么改错 英语改错提I want to Londer by the train Last summer.During my stay here,the weather was terrible ang there werea la lot of traffic and pollution.we first went shopping in Oxford Street,but I didn't like them.Iwas bored.We then visited to lost of 1 Gary bought a new camera the other day and took many photographs from Betty,who wanted to be a popular singer and was very fond of the limelight.2 Though the thief told the police that he had never entered the room,the foot print on the wax floor o 求帮忙做改错英语提 英语 改错题 高中英语改错题, 高手帮帮学弟 改错题 我有几个看不懂,不知道原因 81英语 改错题 高中英语改错题,高手帮帮学弟 改错题 我有几个看不懂,不知道原因 81 83 88详细分析一下. 希望 数轴上表示整数的点称为整点,某数轴上的单位长度是1厘米,若在这个数轴上随意画出一条2000厘米的线段AB盖住的整点的个数有?个 艾瑞巴蒂!黑喂够! 什么意思 求英文! 艾瑞用英语怎么说 英语翻译这个名字好吗?如果不好的话,请在说一个好点的,不要重名太多的, The most important in My life, 求初二英语演讲稿 The important things in my life我想写我生活最重要的是书法,如何如何有趣,如果可以的话,说说书法是中国的传统文化,要继承发扬云云,再说得了很多奖,这几个意思达到就行了,200 英语写作:The most important person in my life.写自己生命中最重要的人.要写出理由,至少50词 英语翻译Sorry that the theme song project is pending right now due to the projects priorities,but NOT cancel.I will let you know the update after our internal discussion. 心生 什么意思 英语翻译女:“你愿意做我的太阳吗”.男:“我愿意!”.女:“那么请与我保持92955886.7公里.”