
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:53:41
We want some candies.(用chocolates改为选择疑问句)_____you want______candies_______chocolates? 怎样才能忘记某些事情? 遇到这样的事情你会怎么做.我向我同学借了一个耳机,用的途中我不小心弄脏了.他看见之后对我说,这个耳机40块卖给你了,你快点给钱(强制叫你买).你特么在逗我,看见弄脏一点就强制叫我 my father doesn't have long hair but my mother__ a does b doesn't c has d have My father doesn't have ________ story books.是many还是lots of》 My father doesn't have brothers.And my mother doesn't have borthers,either.But Ihave many uncles. 几米的作品《我的忧伤》,荒草中的拿信女孩是什么意思!请问这幅画的寓意是什么!谢谢 几米的这句话怎么理解 所有的悲伤,总会留下一丝欢乐的线索.所有的遗憾,总会留下一处完美的角落.所有的悲伤,总会留下一丝欢乐的线索.所有的遗憾,总会留下一处完美的角落.我在冰封的深 英语翻译中国是一个餐饮文化大国,长期以来在某一地区由于地理环境、气候物产、文化传统以及民族习俗等因素的影响,形成有一定亲缘承袭关系、菜点风味相近,知名度较高,并为部分群众喜 英语翻译Its location within easy reach by boat or private yacht from Hong Kong is a potential high value benefit provided the current marine cross-border issues are solved in a hands-on way for all “international” visitors and yachtsmen. 英语翻译本实验采用的是溶胶-凝胶法,以硝酸铁,硝酸锰,正硅酸乙酯,乙醇,去离子水为原料先制备出锰铁氧体溶胶,在用旋涂法初步得到锰铁氧体薄膜,然后烧结得到课题研究所需样品.制备锰铁 英语翻译不要在线辞典的机械翻译,都是语法错误,我语法不济,是论文摘要,不一定要完全每个字都标准翻译,意思表达出来就好了,小女子万分感谢!中文:幽默常常在其轻松的外衣之下隐藏着精 英语中do的用法?请问who do you like(你喜欢谁)?那么”我喜欢谁“该怎么说呢?难道是do I 有人说是I like who这不就成中文式英语了吗?请说明理由谢谢.还有比如who is he(他是谁)?那为什么不是wh I want some butter 对划线部分提问(划线部分是some) The birds want to eat some corn.1.改为单数句 2.Eat some corn 划线提问3.The birds 划线提问 4.否定句 王维杂诗中“寒梅著花未”的诗句应该是“著”还是“着”,读音是zhu还是读 zhuo?查了不少相关提问,但是回答是两个都有,有知道准确答案的朋友给个客观点的回答吧.如果是从其他提问中复制 读古诗的正确读法怎样读古诗才算正确? 英语:do 的用法 求指导 they like readingbooks改为一般疑问句 It’s really time I went home,but the hostess requested that I ______ a bit longer.A.stay B.have stayed C.stayed D.am staying为什么选A it is the time that we should go home 和it is the time we went home的区别 英语翻译The problems regarding paint of REDSPOT in this time trial-produce was quite the same as it had always been. 求翻译 这句话好像用软件都读不通As i was undressing that night ,I noticed a little piece of cloth which was hanging from one corner of my rug.On it were the words"MADE IN CHINA". 归园田居表明自己归隐决心的句子 英语翻译His warmest admirer and severe critic was his wire 《归园田居》中表达作者归隐田园和田园劳作的快乐心情的诗句是?陶渊明在《归去来兮辞》中用“寓形宇内复几时,曷不委心任去留?.怀良辰以孤往,或植杖而耘耔.乐夫天命复奚疑!”来表达自 英语翻译No failure,delay of forbearance of either party in exercising any power or right hereunder shall in any way restrict or diminish such party's rights and powers under this Agreement. 归园田居描写劳动情景的诗句归园田居其三描写劳动情景的诗句是什么 表达作者隐居躬耕,不与世俗间同流合污的愿望诗句是什么 英语翻译i was getting a feedback ready when i noticed it suggests i talk to the seller.the item was recieved very quickly.the post was great.i was dissapointed in the size and quality of the capo.i know it was 99 cents but i thought it would be a 三、从括号内选出正确的单词填空.1.It's time____.(for go home/to go home)三、从括号内选出正确的单词填空.1.It's time____.(for go home/to go home)2.How many____can you see?(potatos/potatoes)3.The children are____ It's time to go home 还是应该It's time to go to home?一个无聊的人老是和我争论在这里是go home 还是go to home.我坚持认为这里应该是It's time to go home.home 在这里是副词,修饰动词go,而不是名词. 英语翻译请英语好的朋友帮助纠正一下我的翻译错误:在生活中,这种冲突是非常常见的.同时他还引发了另外一个问题.本地的信息与云端的信息.哪一是最新的或哪一个是有效的.同时值得注