
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:54:32
Find the white building on the left. building,the,on,white.is,left,the.cf of course 英语翻译的不一样啊,老师的是:there are three times as many girls as the boys here.为什么? ________▲______ to the left,you will see the building.答案上用的是turning,为什么不能用to turn What course of action should be taken? a year of action 什么意思 Li Ming's buying food in the supermarket.改否定句,按要求改句子 天堂的落雪英语怎么说是不是 the paradise of falling snow还是 falling snow of paradise SCALE什么意思啊 T-Scale should provide two machines for you – a mono variant and a tower variant.这句话呢, 故宫/博物馆..翻译成英文.麻烦了 v1v2测量范围是啥?滑动变阻器向右移动电表怎么变? The soul cannot live without love 若滑动变阻器向右移动,电压表电流表怎么变化 The soul cannot live without love. love is something i cannot live without什么意思 If I know what love is,it is because of you.The soul cannot live without love.yan i love Grading right scale 大难题.../诗句填空..1.王维《使至塞上》一诗中描绘塞外奇特壮丽的沙漠风光,画面开阔、气势雄浑的句子是: , .2.龚自珍《己亥杂诗》中的“落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花” lime是青柠还是柳橙,还是酸橙,还是这三个水果其实就是一样的柳橙是orange,那么橘子的英文是什么? lime是什么水果?就是一个单词翻译. LIME是什么颜色美国客户经常提到LIME色.请教高手这到底是指什么颜色,相当于PANTONE色卡上的哪个颜色 free 应该是“...石灰”,看到过书上的专用名词,但是现在没有找到。哪位确定它的意思, lizard和lime分别是什么意思 They have studied english for six years改为否定.they english for six years 1.They have studied English since 8 years.2.The1.They have studied English since 8 years.2.The class has ended for ten minutes.两个句子改错.很着急 英语翻译gewicht baby/aantal voedingen per 24 uur.per voeding+afgestreken maatschepjes 哪个可以翻译荷兰文 请问这句中的scale是什么意思,Reptiles are a group of animals that have dry skin covered with scales. scale是什么意思