
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 11:04:47
一个电压表并联一个滑动变阻器 滑动变阻器阻值变大 为什么电压表的示数变大? than后面可不可以加介词 设集合A={(x,y)|3x+y=5},B={(x,y)|2x-3y=-4},求A交B more than than是介词么 集合A={y|y=x^2+2x+4},B={y|y=ax^2-2x4a},且A交B=A,求a的范围 求函数f(x)=|x+1|+|2x+3的单调区间| 数学帮帮帮帮帮帮帮帮忙 数学题目,帮帮帮帮忙忙忙忙、!一袋大米的重量是与4袋面粉的质量相等.一个仓库存放的大米2400袋,面粉5600袋,共重380吨.问每到大米和面粉各中多少千克? 数学帮帮帮帮帮去 数学帮帮帮帮帮帮帮忙 大一高数 试着求一个反常积分大小 也有可能是发散的 若发散 大一,求积分…急,lim(x→0+)X^tanx= WHAT ABOU YOU? 什么意思 l saw him fly a kite on the playground just now fly 加不加ing 反常积分求极限! 请各位帮忙解释下这两道题,反常积分中的知识... 反常积分问题, Keeps you what you needed英文知道单词意思.如何理解英文句子的意思? what do you needed give you what you needed 这句是什么结构啊 是代表你过去需要的?求正解 呵呵 一个电压表一个滑动变阻器测电阻 高等数学···来帮我个忙啊二.(每题4分,共40分)1.函数y=sinx的值域是___.2.函数y=㏒ax的定义域是函数___.3.偶函数的图象关于___对称.4.Limn→∞ =___5.Limx→0 =___6.函数y=f(x)在 会高数的帮下忙一怪血为5415632,打一下技能伤害为229013,普通攻击为149516.如何打才能把怪打的只有 800血以下?(几下技能 几下普通) Nowadays,cell phones becomes more and more popular for students.As we know,mobile phones can offer coinvent and comfortable; however,there are also some disadvantages,such as distracting study and affecting health.Hence,as for me,instructors should b 有哪位大神能帮我改一下英语作文,跪谢啊There are two charts below. From the first graph, it is apparent from the chart that university of California’s students vote their favourite Quick-Service Restaurant in the city of Los Angele As we can see from the second chart that the tendency of obesity rates and food consumption in 1998 to 2010.In the year between 1998 to 2004,the percentage of median of state obesity prevalence increased from 1.01 to 1.05,but the real food prices of ∫∫z^2/(x^2+y^2)dxdy,∑为Z=√(2ax-x^2-y^2)(a>0)在圆柱面x^2+y^2=a^2的外面部分的上侧.这道题我死活算不出来,答案是[π-(3√3)/2]a^2 求由锥面z=k/R *√x²+y²(这是根号下)z=0及圆柱面x²+y²=R²围城的体积 反常积分,怎么解 On the other hand,as Singh,Kaur,George,(2002) indicated,“people also can use robot to train students for innovative ability and teamwork.” The Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.1 is a suitable robot for scholars or students.Lego Mindstorms kits includes 619 1.求抛物线 Y=x²,Y=2x² ,与直线y=1所围成的图形的面积(X的右上角都是平方)2.求曲线Y=x² 及Y=根号下X 所围成的图形的面积(X右上角是立方)还有几道小题 有愿意相帮者 扔下好多年 求解二重反常积分