
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 05:19:06
千里之行,_______________.学问如逆水行舟,______________.十万火急!请各位大哥大姐尽快回复! 用八仙过海-各现神通 虎落平阳-被犬欺 塞翁失马-焉知祸福 这几个谚语编一个小故事拜托短一些,不要太短还是要长一些 关于西安的故事 2012年西安市时事政治? 李之仪卜算子谁有李之仪的卜算子的赏欣 宋代李之仪的的英文翻译`谢谢 卜算子李之仪日日思君不见君中的日日描写出该女子------------------------------的情感文中长江头与长江尾是指———————————————— .此水几时休,此恨何时已的含义是————— 关于李之仪《卜算子》我住长江头,君住长江尾.日日思君不见君,共饮长江水.此水几时休,此恨几时已?只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意.这的确是一首流传广泛的佳作.撇开它的思想感情不谈,就说 卜算子 李之仪表现双方心心相印,爱情地久天长的句子是______________ 八仙过海的后一句是什么? This is the d_.We often have it at the end of dinner.You are so fat.You should eat more f_ and less meat.We all like to eat c_ legs. 根据首字母完成单词:Jenny helped her mother s_____ tables before dinner. 伟大的教育家陶行知说过:“滴自己的汗、吃自己的饭、自己的事自己干.靠人靠天靠祖上,不算是好汉!”1.“滴自己的汗、,吃自己的饭、自己的事自己干.”谈谈你对这句话的理解,思考这是 什么是感恩的心态 在四边形ABCD中,∠DAB与∠ABC的平分线交于四边形内一 (20 19:3:3)在四边形ABCD中,∠DAB与∠ABC的平分线交于四边形内一点P,求证:∠P=1/2(∠C+∠D) 如图所示,在四边形abcd中,角dab、角abc的平分线相交于点e,试说明角aeb=二分之一(角c+角d). 在星期五之前用英语怎么说 (by Friday=?) by friday怎么翻译 是“在周五之前”吗 星期五,我在等待.Friday,I'm waiting!这样说没错吧? 已知四边形ABCD中,∠DAB的平分线和∠ABC的平分线相交点M求证:∠AMB=½(∠C+∠D) _____ Friday 6:00pm 在星期五下午6点用什么介词?_____ Friday 6:00pm 在星期五下午6点用什么介词? I dont like red coats ,i like biack 这里填 one 的正确形式 高中政治问答题,速度.谢谢从历史唯物主义的角度,说明国家为什么重视物价上涨问题.速度.谢谢 英文信件手工翻中i will try to do my best for you,baby!i will prove you that I can be really good and can make everything for you!just learn english well,i'm asking you,this will help us,really!)I'm ready for you always,everyday,every hour,eve 月球围地球转一周要多长时间 he_______(成功)in reading the top of the mountain. as he was accustomed to_the steep mountain,he had no difficult reaching the topA climbing B climb C having climbed D have climbed He _____(successfully) in reaching the top of the hill He____ _____ ______early from Monday to Friday.从星期一到星期五他总是早起. I'm very ) ) my ) ) Monday ) Friday(从周一到周五我都忙于功课)I love(?)(?) )dogs(我爱跟小狗玩)没空一词怎么填 ( )special training ,they succeed in climing to the top of the mountain.A received B being received C to received D having received选啥? In face of difficulties the climbers______in the hope of reaching the top before dark.A.insisted on B.looked up C.turned away D.kept on