
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 18:12:23
甜的英语怎么读 甜的英文怎么说? 请帮找一篇我身边的诚信征文 my father went to help in the old people's home,[ ]it was raining.A.because B.so that C.even though D.if There was an_______look on her face when the actor appeared可以告诉我空格里我应该怎么写? 为什么红楼梦里林黛玉要叫林姑娘,薛宝钗要叫宝姑娘?一个以姓相称,一个以名相称,明显远近亲疏上有歧视么 红楼梦42回宝钗审黛玉后,二人变的亲近了,叙述相关情节,并分析原因 Hens don't _during the cold days.A.excite B.exciting C.excitedly D.excited please look at these new pants.改为同义句:please ()a ()at these new pants .一空一词 【英语填空题】There was a()(worry)look on her face.What‘s wrong?There was a()(worry)look on her face.What‘s wrong?Finally I finish()(write)the report and handed in.You must do something to prevent your house from( You may look uo these words in the d_____ 根据句意和首字母补全句中的单词The_____(thrill) is a thrilling story.The_____(art)likes to draw a horse.My school is in the____(draw). Lei Feng is the e___ of our learnging. 这条法律旨在帮助穷人This law _____ _____ _____help ______ ______. the poor ----(need) to help themselves 含有‘‘饱''字的成语 带有饱字的成语 英语 help (24 14:29:38)Thank  you  verymuch  for  inviting  me.(改为同义句).a...for  the . 英语中除了副词,还有哪些在句子中一定是做状语的呢? 北师大版高一英语磁带里有没有朗读单词啊!我买来发现好像没有啊!哪里可以找到北师大版的单词朗读啊!单词不懂读,还读什么课文啊! 已知函数f(X)自变量取值区间为A,若其值域区间也为A,则称区间A为f(X)的保值区间.求函数f(X)=x²形如[n,+∞)(n∈R)的保值区间 英语(人教新目标)八年级(上)朗读磁带3B.mp3 高三复习函数题已知函数f(x)对任意实数x,y都有f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y),且当x>0时,f(x)>0,f(-1)=-2.(1)利用定义证明函数f(x)在R上是增函数;(2)求f(x)在[-2,1]上的值 ◆求助◆一道初三相似三角形的简单题目已知在△ABC中,∠B=60°,AD⊥BC,CE⊥AB,求证:DE=1/2BC. 证明相似三角形 求助一道相似三角形的题目△ABC中,BE、CD为高,若S△ADE=9,S△ABC=36,则∠A= ° 求新课标人教版高一英语必修1,必修2,和小学三年级的单词录音MP3如题,求单词录音,最新版的, 求一些动名词作主语的英语句子1做作业花了我三个小时2熬夜没用3吃零食没好处4她的工作是清理街道5她最喜欢的运动是登山6你的衣服需要洗了7医生建议多吃水果蔬菜8看到这个笑话,他禁不 单词分类(接不定式还是...)将下列单词分类(就这一题)mind want make let keep hope start like plan practise help fail enjoy finish接不定式(to do):省to不定式(do):接动名词(doing):知道的就快点啊,十万火急滴家 risk it all是什么意思? For you I risk it all 来自哪首歌? 英语翻译ned as it would be were Mr Abe to visit the shrine soon after a summit with Mr Xi.summit 是指峰会 Mr Xi 指习近平 Mr Abe 指安倍晋三 hardly的部分倒装把hardly提前,前面还能出现其他短语吗?比如In the hall, hardly can I hear the actors.可以不? hardly 放句首倒装;《新概念3》语法.44课中有一句Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours.这里为什么后面不倒呢?什么情况下倒?