
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 23:32:53
北京有没有废旧干电池回收垃圾箱?回收之后怎样处理?国内其他城市废旧干电池处理的能力如何? 2012中考 生活中的垃圾需要分类处理,下列不属于可回收垃圾的是A.易拉罐B.废旧报纸C.果皮菜叶D.塑料制品 济南回收废旧干电池的地点?家里废旧干电池太多了.是那种收音机用的干电池5号电池,我再追加100分 废旧干电池回收我是涪陵的,那里有回收废旧电池的(量大)? 我们的教室总是整洁的 英文翻译 他的书到处都是 英文翻译 怎样识别泡酒的玻璃瓶是有铅玻璃?还是无铅玻璃? 泡酒的玻璃瓶自己破了,为什么?在空调房里面,没有碰撞,泡酒泡了一段时间了 上海哪里有泡酒的玻璃瓶 She likes eating Chinese food because it is [delicious].对打括号部分提问. Mike likes Chinese d________because they are very delicious he likes tomato soup because iti is delicious.对 because iti is delicious提问 英语翻译Surrender of the tenancy by the tenant5.5\x05Strictly with the landlord’s or his agents prior written consent and subject to certain conditions that may include the landlord’s reasonable costs associated with the re-letting of the pre 求把这句关于租房子的英文翻译成中文!~~Due to current vacancy levels the Special of $150 per week is open 公租房 英文如何简短翻译?有英文缩写吗? 没有了理想,人生困惑,怎么办?有一定的物质生活基础,但前面看不到出路或者说前面的路不那么光明,又不愿打破现有局面,彷徨. TOM likes piaying football very much 同义句 tom likes ()(make) snowman very much “这房子是我和他合租的.”用英语怎么翻译? 英语翻译租房的谈判 怎么翻译成英语? 英语翻译翻译内容如下:房屋租赁合同出租方(简称甲方):身份证号码:地址:电话:承租方(简称乙方):身份证号码:地址:电话:现根据国家和省市的有关法规,经甲乙双方协商一致 英语翻译英文环境里的“房屋出租”是怎么的?也就是翻译成英语.越俚越好!没多少积分了,我就小气点了. 有一玻璃瓶装500ml酒精后刚好装满,并测得总质量是0.5kg,则空玻璃瓶的质量是_kg.瓶高20cm,底面积30cm²,酒精对瓶底的压力是_N.(ρ酒精=0.8g/cm³)(g=10N/kg) 英语翻译Scientific research shows that using water which is as near boiling point as __will give the best of tea.A important B possible C easy D need 再帮我说下第二个as 英语翻译1、政府应该阻止工厂把污水倒进河里.The government should __________ thefactory ________ pouring polluted water into rivers.prevent/stop/keep.from 2、我听说她将要嫁给一个外国人.I have heard that she is going to Tom beef very much A:liking B:likes C:like空白处应该填 英语翻译你找到房子了吗?四房的 Did you find the house ,four bedroom?这里有一套四房的房子,在另一个小区,你想去看看吗?Here have a house ,four bedroom,do youwant to have a look?你什么时候有时间,我们约一下 英语翻译But in some other countries,if you give a loud belch(打嗝),you are told to say"----,please"Manners are different all over the word.But it is good to know------all manners begin in the ----way.People need ways to -----that they want 人生怎计划? 怎么为自己制定学习和生活计划 作为一个女人.你会怎样计划以后的生活? 怎样计划每天的生活 规划人生规划以后的路,怎么规划?怎么想?