
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 13:22:18
1、"WTO" is an ______ made up from teh first letters of the name of the organization "World Trade Organization".2、The phrase "on the shelf" is an ______ construction.3、"Poor John" and "ran away" are the _____ constituents of the sentence "Poor J 像"岿然"这样带有然的词语有很多请你根据一定的意思把它们写出来.不经常的----- 没有想到--------安安稳稳----- 来得迅速--------照旧不变----- 清楚明白----- 具有不屈不挠的人有哪些? our与ours的不同? Jim,and his brother,read(?) books in the library谓语用第三人称还是复数Jim and his brother read books in the library与Jim,and his brother,read(?)books in the library有什么区别呢 沙丁鱼是什么意思 沙丁鱼是什么意思 英语中哪些双音节比较级加er,哪些加more ours和our有什么区别吗 OUR'S和OUR的区别是什么! 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》的赏析每一章的赏析,一共不少于800字 钢铁是怎样炼成的赏析人最宝贵的东西是生命.生命对人来说只有一次.因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能 harm hurt wound 的区别? 我有几个关于语言学的问题想向你请教~1、汉语属于分析性语言,那么它用来表达语法意义的语言手段除了虚词、语序还有其它的什么呢?(例如:讲故事—讲清楚,这种是用什么语言手段呢?是 求hurt,pain,injured,burn的区别最好有例句,希望马上得到答案 我想要起个英文名 我叫寒雪 可以像林宥嘉 Yoga那样汉化的 我叫橙寓 想起个汉化的英文名 比如像林宥嘉yoga那种 下列物质不能用加成反应得到的是A. CH3CH2Cl2 为什么不行?不好意思 是 CH3CHCl2 问一个英语语言学的问题One of the main feature of oer human language is arbitrariness.Canyou briefly explain what is this feature refers to?Give example if necessary. 英语语言学题,What is the illocution of A’s utterance in the following brief encounter?A:You are in a non-smoking zone,sir.B:Thanks (extinguishing the cigarette).2.What kind of pre-sequence is A’s first utterance?(Hint:A and B are two secr S_________ are words which have different forms but similar meanings. damage hurt区别 hurt damage区别 《泥土》的文中,本文通过写泥土,赞美了什么精神. 帮忙想个英文名字,我英语水平好差的说-.-/.像yoga林宥嘉这样的我叫董梦辉... 求英语语言学高手相助!1.Would you say that language is arbitrary?What would language be like if it was not arbitrary?2.How has the TG grammar developed?3.In what ways do vowels differ from each other?4.Why do we say that /t/ and /d/ are diff social practice和field trip区别分别怎么翻译合适? 赞美泥土的排比句 他的书包里什么也没用. 翻译 There 什么 什么 in his school bag 好像要用到without的 类似林宥嘉英文名Yoga那种贴近汉语的~帮我起个吧 张人杰.如果...类似林宥嘉英文名Yoga那种贴近汉语的~帮我起个吧张人杰.可以告诉我怎么读还有什么特殊意义的。我追分。 麻烦帮我起个英文名啊,比如林宥嘉的Yoga、我也想要这种汉语化英文名我叫言浩我不是姓言 只是名字用粤语叫的话听起来像言浩 石墨粉都是用于什么地方?