
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 06:56:58
春天开的有香气的花有哪些? What do you think is the most difficult when learning English 植物也有生殖器官,那么植物的生殖器官在植物的哪个部位呢 ⊥4[1/2]What do you think is the most difficult when learning English?(英语口语 下面几种植物中,可被食用的部分主要是生殖器官的是?A白菜 萝卜 甘薯B土豆 黄瓜 芝麻C西瓜 菠菜 洋葱D丝瓜 豌豆 黄花菜 What do you think is the most difficult when learning English?How do you solve the problem? what will you do if you have difficulty in your studywhat will you do if you have difficulty in your study 按照这个话题,写一篇不少于100字的作文。谢谢! what does he will have?和what will he have?哪个对? 日内瓦介绍,简短! GENEVA怎么样 植物的生殖器官在哪一部分? Do you think it p______ for them to finish the work? Don't ____ me .I think i can work it out all by myself .Don't ____ me .I think i can work it out all by myself .A be worried about B worry aboutC be worried D worry AB中纠结希望各位说明下理由 凤仙花,牵牛花,小麦和竹的茎分别是什么类型? '矮牵牛花'和'牵牛花'有什么区别?有说‘牵牛花’有毒的,也有说‘矮牵牛花'能吃的,到底这两种有什么区别?可是我在百度还搜到一种说法,说牵牛花食用功效有:具有泻下、利尿、消肿、驱虫 Mr.Green comes home from____at six A working B works C work D to workwork也可以做名词,所以我觉得A和C都可以啊 “茶亦醉人何必酒,书能香我无须花” 茶亦醉人何须酒,书自香我何须花.酒不醉人人自醉,花不迷人人自迷.吟成白雪心如素,最到梅花香也清.昔日浣沙今日恨,玉人如许愿相亲.”这首词的名是什么? 茶亦醉人何必酒,书能香我不须花什么意思 "茶亦醉人何必酒,书能香我不须花"是什么意思? “茶亦醉人何必酒,书能香我不须花是什么意思 红薯.凤仙花,牵牛花,葡萄这些茎的共同特征是什么 我想知道"半杯茶半杯湖底沙,半句话半首蝶恋花"的意思 《Come back to Come Back To Me求宇多田光come back to me URL地址 那个穿黑衣服的女孩是一名芭蕾舞演员 英语翻译 英语翻译Dance Clothing ,dancing clothes还是其他? 为什么蝴蝶会恋上花儿? 帮我把这30句英文短句翻译成中文,我就给分1.My job is training new workers. 2.Can you get the car going? 3.I’ve tried every way to comfort the crying girl. 4.Be quiet! He hasn’t finished speaking. 5.Our teacher encourages u 花可以比喻成啥 写花的作文,上下顺序的,要一点比喻,列数字的, 关于花的名家作文