
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 12:22:46
We can see the interesting film s( ) .Would you like to go with us? The whole class would like to watch an interesting film.(对 watch an interesting film 提问) 等差数列和等比数列的性质的运用怎么运用? it is earlier when you arrive than when you leave when are you going to ____ Mount Emei?Tomorrow.A.go B.leave for C.arrive.D.get是不是选B?理由理由!!!选出答案 Would you like ( to take part in,to join)me for a walk It is fun. 尿胆原+1胆红素+1蛋白+1是什么出了问题 鲁迅有哪些自写的文章?除了《少年闰土》 一首好像叫I had love you 的英文歌在电视上看到的.中文译过来是我爱过你.一个不算年轻也不算老的女的唱的记得有些歌词是什么蓝色水晶什么的很好听在百度和腾讯查了很多遍了.1L不对呀.呵 I had you love i had it all我想知道这句英文是什么意思! Anything is to depend on yourself! 阅读冰心的《笑》回答问题1、“如登仙界,如归故乡.”在文中的意思是什么?2、文中的安琪儿诗歌怎样的形象?她的微笑象征着什么?她和作品中的孩子、老妇人有何相似之处? -《纸船 寄母亲》冰心,内容里的三小节的意思分别是什么. With time going by ,will the love become more and more nice depend on与be depended on.的区别depend on 与 be depended on 的区别.还是没有be depended on这个词组? _____ all the shortcomings you mentioned ,he is a man to be depended on.A.In spite B.Although C.Though D.Despite Bob has turned into__honest man.He's__. A, an,to be depended B.a,depended on C.one,to be dependedD./, to be depended 7.27 Having lost his parents ,the boy has on one__.A.depend on B.to depend on C.dependedHaving lost his parents ,the boy has on one__.A.depend on B.to depend on C.depended D.to depend请说明理由,Having lost his parents ,the boy has no one__.A.dep the old man lost his job and___on his daughter~s salary.为什么选depended而不选depend. 英语填空题:I was born____February 18,1982. 鲁迅,原名( ).《少年闰土》节选自他的小说《 》从本册第五组课文中,.打不下了打下面.鲁迅,原名( ).《少年闰土》节选自他的小说《 》从本册第五组课文中,我知道鲁迅是一个()、()的人 童年趣事(歌谣)怀念作文 these animals usually live in___groups and hunt together A .family B.families "To heart with love"是什么意思? 英语翻译And aunt live together,] I do not live. Love with a humble heart 一名老师和三名学生排成一排照相留念,若老师不排在两端,则有几种不同的方法 最好列出来 朝花夕拾的《二十四孝图》好词好句 赏析以下句子 选自朝花夕拾二十四孝图即使人死了真有灵魂,因这罪恶的心,应该堕入地狱,也将绝不悔改,总要先来诅咒一切反对白话,妨害白话者. 首项等于10,公差是-2,a7=-2、S5=30 An=(B1+2B2+…nBn)/n求Bn通项公式 朝花夕拾二十四孝图好词好句 《朝花夕拾》中的《二十四孝图》的读后感(不少于400字)