
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 20:56:55
介词填空这三道题为什么会填这几个介词?是固定搭配吗?Thank you!1.It is considered safer and more convenient to put your money in a bank and write (out) chechs to pay for your larger purchases.为什么不是write down呢?2.All of 英语题求解1 一道英语题求解The boy usually does not wake up until 6 o'clock in the morning.改为同义句The boy is usually ___ ____ ____6o'clock in the morning.谢谢 引号的作用有什么 It is in the school ___ he studied ten years ago___ he gave a wonderful speech.A that; where B where; that C where; where D that;that为什么 不选A Lucy can [speak English].(对[ ]部分提问) Is she in at present?同义句Is she () ()at present? 几道高中英语介词题1.We were all at a loss,wondering what was ___this sudden change of plan.(against)2.My mom said,"don't get off the bus ____it is stopping."(while.为什么不用until?)3.Global warming pushes the temperature higher ___Janua ..》The firm is now------the process of moving the main equipmert to a new plaoe 第5题填什么介词? 高中英语填介词 高中英语问题(关于介词)The home improvements have taken what little there is ( ) my spare time.为什么要填 of ,不填from? 还有没有描写星空的词语呀!10个以上的 求英语句子搞笑歪解比如:how are you 怎么是你 how old are you 怎么老是你要这样的. 求仁爱版七年级上册英语重点句形最好+上汉语意思啊! 求搞笑的英语句子,英语剧本用!再过不久就是英语汇演了,我们班演的是《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,场景一就是爱丽丝在看书嘛,我觉得有点无聊就打算添一些搞笑的句子,然后念出来.但一直想不到, content有形容词词性,如何与contented区别 ICQ和外国人聊天,发回来的东西看不懂,不是英文,而是看不懂的乱七八糟的中文字 有什么可以和老外对话的,要英文,外附中文和读音 仁爱英语八年级下课文 经典英文幽默 句子 我的情况适合报BEC中级还是高级?我是会计专业大一,四级502分,六级这周考,分数也就分数线吧.阅读和写作好,口语不好,听力凑乎,时间挺充裕的.该报BEC中级还是高级呢?纠结,报中级,还不甘心; Press any key boot from CD 的汉语意思是什么呢. 我的水平是报BEC中级好呢,还是直接报高级?我现在大三,六级考了520,雅思6.5.听考过的同学说高级很难,我不知道该第一次就报高级还是先考中级..求过来人指导~ 仁爱八年级英语上册锻炼听力2013-2014学年度八年级上册仁爱英语,需要锻炼听力,听的时候总是感觉别人读的太快,听不清,有没有听力题和听力材料可以锻炼下的?有的话回复,或者有什么别的有 八年级上册仁爱同步听力训练 的听力哪里有下载的 含nk的单词 容易教学的那种 [tænk]这个音是哪个单词啊 英语问题复合句No agreement can be arrived at __the factory promises to solve the problen of pollution A.except that B.on condition that答案是A那B呢 英语问题(复合句)1.She is rich,and_____is better still,very beautiful.A.what B.it C.who D.which2.This book will show you_____can be used in other contexts.A.how you have observed B.that you have observedC.how what you have observed D.how th There are some bananas in the fridge(划线提问)some bananasThere are _____________in the fridge(划线提问) some meatwe have got __________ in the fridge 划线提问