
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 05:29:38
no another time 的意思 老黄历中天三合是什么意思,天德呢?要是搬家哪个好? 德日法西斯兴起的共同历史背景是什么? 科学 设计实验木头 纸 金属 那种材料吸水性好?材料:结论: the boy like to _play football_after school(对画线部分提问) another What are you going do正确还是what are you going to do 正确?我看一部欧美电影里有个人是说了前面那个,但我个人觉得后面顺一点口,究竟哪个是对的呢? 西汉文景帝旧律刑制改革的意义 please let me know if u would have an operation 动能弹性势能的转换. 弹性势能能转换为旋转的动能吗 弹性势能和动能的转换用公式怎么表达Ep=1/2mv*2 把心思全放在上面.形容一心一意,聚精会神.打一四字词语 What do you like to do ____National Day what do you think of the parade on National Day 如题. 写三个‘一心一意’这样的词,一()一(),一()一(),一()一() I am going to the zoo. 写一篇金鱼生长过程的英语作文急,不少于40词,三种句式. You have to wait another two hours,( ) the doctor will have finished his operation.A:before B:until C:when D:as 不大明白,望详解, have one’s head是什么意思Father will have my head if you get sick I am go to sleep 和i am going to sleep以上有什么区别i am going to have a sleep 正确 还是i am going to sleep 正确如果都是正确的 有什么不同呢谢谢你们仔细回答哈我我的语法不好 trouble is a friend I am going to read a magazine________(now,tomorrouw)请尽快回答,还有:Are the monkeys _______?(swing,swinging) I am going to sleep,Buy Buy! I am going to sleep,good night have a sweet dI am going to sleep,good nighthave a sweet dream 求语音 七夕诗句银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤.天街夜色凉如水,卧看牵牛织女星.这首是描写七夕的诗吗?读起来好有感觉,那是一个多么美多么浪漫的场景啊!我也想和心爱的人“卧看牵牛织女星” slam your body down 翻译过来是什么? 过渡元素中的铁与金属元素中的金属有什么区别?过渡元素中的铁就不是金属了了? Do you often feel a little sleepy after lunch?Well,that's normal.Your body naturally slows down.What should you do about it?Don't drink coffee,take a nap,instead.There are advantages of a daily nap.First of all,you can remember things better and make 铁是过渡元素怎么会是金属? UP AND DOWN用中文怎么说 lie down and rest翻译成中文