
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 02:48:46
对话填空(急)A:Wow!_____a beautiful album!Whose is this?B:_____it is your daughter's.she likes to collect beautiful things.A:No.it _____be hers.she likes to collect cards but not album.B:Look!there's a card _____it.A:Where?let me have a _____."da 翻译:soft drug 小学一年级语文下册75页故事续编什么写 英语翻译如题 小学二年级语文上册综合学习四口语交际 续编故事 太阳怎么只有一个 二年级语文下册28课寻续编故事 质点做圆周远动时,必有加速度,但法向加速度可以为0?为什么?匀速圆周还有加速度吗? ∫(Inx)^2 *(1/x)dx ∫Inx/x ∫ inx/√x dx? 英语翻译If I only had one match leftWould I try to light a fire under youIf I could only say one thingWould it be what I've been wanting toEvery time I close the gate I wonder if this is enoughIf I only had one match leftI would try to light it b 甲仓库有煤loo吨,乙仓库有80吨,从甲仓库取出多少吨给乙仓库,才能使甲乙两仓库煤吨数的比为7:12 甲乙两个仓库,存煤的重量比是8:7,如果从甲仓运出存煤的25% ,乙仓运进50吨煤,那么乙仓库比甲仓库多80吨问1:乙仓库原来比甲仓库现在多()吨.问2:甲仓库现在与乙仓库原来的重比( ).问3 Crime is misdirected energy.Set a thief to catch a thief.Whoever profits by the crime is guilty of it.Society prepares the crime;the criminal commits it.Thousands of good deeds do not wipe out one tiny crime. 已平衡的托盘天平两盘的烧杯里,各盛有等质量且溶质质量分数相同的盐酸,现分别向其中投入等质量的金属镁和锌,充分反应.1.若天平仍保持平衡,那么一定有剩余的金属是 2.若天平失去,那么 糖蛋白的作用是什么? 利用等式的性质解方程有什么诀窍比如说如何找加或减什么数要怎么找什么的, 利用等式的性质求x my keys is( in the bookcase?)对划线部分提问,括号里的提问. my tennis racket is in the classroon.对划线部分提问 These book are on the bookcase?(on the bookcase)划线部分提问 He thinks tennis is interesting.(对划线部分提问)tennis划线下面给出的是_____ ______ he______ is interesting?该怎么填呢? 《卫灵公》篇所记中子贡问曰:‘有一言而可以终身行之者乎?’孔子的回答? 孔子为什么陪同卫灵公夫妇出行﹖ 若关于x的不等式2x^2-(2a+1)x+a 已知命题p:方程2x-3a+1=0在【-1,1】上有解:命题q:只有一个实数x满足不等式x2+2a 6英寸是多少厘米啊? 6英寸多少厘米 看问句写答句Yes,my mon has a baseball bat My baseball is under the chairr.(对画线部分提问)对under the chairr部分提问 My sister has a new baseball bat.(就画线部分提问)__your sister_? 《露珠颂》联系短文,它的不平凡表现在哪里