
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 20:40:29
nobody ever touched me until you touched me , What is the man 怎么翻译 He kept in touch with people with a mobile phone用with还是on是with a mobile phone还是on a mobile phone 翻译 what is impossible with men is possible whit god 翻译:While Leonev was outside the ship,he kept in touch by telephone with his companion and with the earth. be interested in为什么加doing interest in doing something 树上和树下停着同样多只鸟,树上飞到树下15只,这时,树下的鸟只数是树上的4倍树上原来多少鸟方程怎么解? [急]be interested in后是加doing么? 树上树下各多少鸟有一群鸟,树上的鸟对树下的鸟说:你们树下的鸟飞上来一只,树下的鸟的总数便是总数的1/3.如果树上的鸟飞下去一只那,么树上树下的鸟一样多 be interesting in doing 和be interested in doing详细点~~~~~~~~~谢谢. I can't forget 如题 Can I forget 一打鸡蛋 是a dozen of eggs还是a dozen eggs? dozen(一打)跟在数字后要不要变成复数形式或者是加of? 有没有和"dozen""一打"类似的简单地表达数字的词语?什麼语言都可以. A dozen(打) is_________(填数字)考考你的常识,填出相应数字.A dozen(打) is_________.还请告我为什么. 雅思口语part2 describe an interesting event in history you know.谁有自己写的范文啊 英语翻译初年运限未曾享,从有功名在后扬 须过四旬方中上,迁居改姓宜为良 一生骨肉最崇高,早入科门姓名扬 待到年方三六九,脱掉蓝衫换红袍 翻译下以上的几句, write to sb的反义词组是什么?答题的人再新年吉祥如意,发大财, 英语翻译纵马平疆朱颜错 藐弃王侯将相孤 词穷墨尽狼烟起 缘夙纷乱红尘中 伊人蓝装今别故 待卸甲 袖手天下并辔请问这几句是我朋友写的, write反义词用英语回答 英语翻译四山环匝密如林涧底奔泉送逺声松映云光悬畵轴岚开晓色挂铜钲师将好景记经行炫眼闲花不识名遮莫陬隅证蛮语忘机野鹜犹耽水师将好景记经行 请问write反义词是什么 雅思口语考试第二部分的一道题:Describe something special you want to buy in the future.我不知道该讲什么,请各位高手帮我扩充下idea,不要翻译句子. But is something you have bought is ...But is something you have bought is faulty or does not do what was claimed for it, you are not asking for a favour to get it put right.Translateis 应为if 雅思口语题目describe a thing you never used怎么说 雅思口语p2:describe a suprise you have had 能不能给我一个exa雅思口语p2:describe a suprise you have had能不能给我一个example? what's today?是不是翻译为“今天是什么日子? 一群鸽子飞过一棵高高的树,有些落在树上有些落在树下,树上对树下说,倘若你们飞用一元一次方程怎么解 树上的鸟飞到另一棵树上两棵树上有48只小鸟,从第二棵树上飞6只到第一棵树上,第二棵树上又飞走了4只小鸟,两棵树上小鸟只数相等,原来两棵树上各有多少只鸟? I have always been neglected .I am still lonely.I can not forget you,sorry高手翻译下