
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 03:58:52
已知a.b互为相反数c.d互为倒数m的绝对值=2,求(a+b)+3cd-m的2次方 近义词:抚养—— 艰巨 勉励 劝阻 庄重 忧虑 滋润 枯竭 轻视 陡然 反义词:刚劲 恶劣 张皇 破碎 圣洁 爱抚 伤感 凝重 苏醒 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天空云卷云舒.的含义?如何做到宠辱不惊,去留无意? 如图CD垂直AB于点D,FE垂直AB于点E,且角1等于角2,角AGD与角ACB的关系' 17、如图,CD⊥AB于D,点F是BC上任意一点,FE⊥AB于E,且∠1=∠2,∠3=80°. (1)试证明∠B=∠ADG (2) 如图,已知CD//FE,角1=角2,试说明:角3=角ACB 名句"以所不欲"的后半句 小浩今年6岁,妈妈今年46.小浩多少岁时,妈妈的年龄是小浩年龄的5倍? 模仿下面例句提问,并把下列句子作出否定回答:Eg:He went to the cinema yesterday.Question:Did he go to the cinema yesterday?Question:Where did he go yesterday?Negative:He didn‘t go to the cinema yesterday.题:1、He must 云卷云舒是什么意思啊大神们帮帮忙 2.5.6.题 6题 空的题,5,6、7.2 7 模仿例句 提问并回答 模仿例句提问,并作出回答 悬赏分:5 - 解决时间:2008-9-6 16:44例句: He went to the cinema yesterday. Question: Did he go to the cinema yesterday? Question: Where did he go yesterday? Negative: He didn't go to the cinema yesterday. 模仿例句提问,并作出回答3模仿例句提问,并作出回答5 - 解决时间:2008-9-6 16:44例句:He went to the cinema yesterday.Question:Did he go to the cinema yesterday?Question:Where did he go yesterday?Negative:He didn't go to the ci 阅读例句,并模仿例句提问,作出否定的回答He went to the cinema yesterday.Question:Did he go to the cinema yesterday?Question:Where did he go yesterday Negative:He didn't go to the cinema yesterday.He must leave early.Q:________________ 模仿例句提问例句:I an a student.(you?) Are you a student?I cleaned my room yesterday.(you?) ____________________There is some milk here.(any biscuits?)___________________________ 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天空云卷云舒. 谁告诉我“云卷云舒,宠辱不惊”这几个字的出处(能写出完整的句子更好),以及完整的解释. 弹性力学中二阶导数的平方的变分怎么求啊关于变分法的例如上式如何求啊弹力能量法怎么求啊,您是在哪本书看到的呢?有什么公式吗 如何观课议课及课堂观察量表 在vf中,怎么定义一个数值型的数组? 函数的二阶导数求法X = a cos ty = b sin t我会求一阶导,但不会二阶. vf中数值型中小数点算不算一位 我想喜欢一个人 Mike came back yesterday,but____students are still there.A.the others B.other C.another D.others能不能讲解一下四个选项的用法,比如other和others的区别. 已知四次多项式f(x)的4个根构成等差数列.求证:f(x)的导数的3个根也成等差数列 赐秦良玉诗四首的意思越快越好! 破折号的作用他们送的是一批特殊的客人------燕子. 林海音活了多少年 林海音简介