
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 04:30:10
disable是什么意思 Are “User Friendly” equipments\x0bfriendly for users only?翻译 小学点读绘本怎么样 Disable vehicle翻译成中文是什么意思啊? enale/disable什么意思 disable是什么意思 英语翻译比如说我英文名字叫Mary,加了姓之后是什么?在中国大陆、台湾、港澳“赵”姓分别怎么说? “它的每一个参数都满足...”的英语翻译. c()rr()t, ()ngin()r, ()ct( )ber,s()v( )nty, ( )fr( )( )d 有什么单词? 用下列词语造一个语段(用不上的单独造句,最多2个)慧心 嬉戏 风韵 闲适 禀告 厄运 行乞 正色 落难 归属 流落 无忧无虑 心旷神怡 阴晴圆缺 举世无双 心痛如割 险象迭生 得失之患 多愁善 Jack ______ any help .He can do it by himselfA needs not B needn't C doesn't D needn't to 应语造句用do sth for a long time和make sb happy分别造一个句子 一道英语题(请讲明原因)Who knows when May Fourth Movement_______?A.take place B take away C took place 英语选择题(讲明原因,谢)1.When will you __ the entrance examination for the college?A join Btake C take part in D attend2.My cousin went to Canada 2 years ago.He __there for a few months and then went to America.A worked B would work C wou 并讲明理由 分分多多哦 This is the ____(behin) of this story.还有 I _____(sleep) when the teacher came in.3Q 为什么电路接上保险丝没电,断开保险丝有电? 家里没电了是找物业修还是电力公司?可能是保险丝断了打本地电力公司电话,对方说打95598保修就挂了,态度很差,好像我欠她钱似的.打95598我也没弄清怎么连到人工客服.有遇到这种情况的吗? What's his favorite subject?改同义句What subject( )he ( He was born on the morning of July 2nd,1986.He was born( )the morning( )July 2nd,1986 动词作主语用ing形式吗?例如:bring it to me.就不用ing形式,例如:flying is for birds .就得有, 用不用是否与祈使句有关?! 再告诉我every 与 each 的区别! 动词短语作主语时,其后要跟ing形式吗,是不是后面有谓语动词时才加? 为什么动词短语放句首不加ing比如look at the black board 解方程 x-4分之1x=8.45*5分之1 的分数的 45%x+64+(45%x+64)乘4分之3-10等于x解方程详细些谢谢 亲,请问君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚的意思 且臣少仕伪朝,历职郎署,本图宦达,不矜名节 且臣少是伪朝的且怎么翻 臣少仕伪朝 仕的意思 居臣仕水怎么样 连词成句:month my one is plant old 请问What is your favorite book?的同义句 连词成句 old my one is plant month . My plant is one month old.中文