
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 22:49:43
it is considered bad manners to be seen eating at aoo in parts of Polynesia的翻译 That suit fits him so well.I think it must have been ___. 选made his own measure 还是 made his own measures They used to (此处不能用would)have beautiful,clear skin.书上说used to 和would的区别是used to 可表示动作和状态,但would只可表示动作.此处有...皮肤为什么是动作?另一句they used to / would have many friends.有朋 Notification Mail from select Customer from(SELECT CustomerName AS Customer FROM Customers) cus;请问这里的cus起什么作用 Select all cus_name city from customer; Select all cus_name,city from customer; 有何不同?Select all cus_name city from customer; Select all cus_name,city from customer;这两条语句查询的结果为什么不一样?第二句的逗号有什么 catch word I mean every word of it i mean every word of it和i 'm serious about whati say是一个意思吗? doll tertiary的意思及其造句是 甲乙丙丁戊己庚7个同学,若丁必需在中间,且甲与乙,己与庚要相邻的排法是多少种? pizza fable是什么意思?怎么读? fable的形容词是啥? waitting my little apple down 应该怎么翻译·大神们帮帮忙 我们应该多吃新鲜的蔬菜用英语怎么说 thank you for the _____ you did me to move the sofa upstairs 答案是是favor,为什么填help不行 you are apple of my eyes 《 脂砚斋重评石头记》 中的脂砚斋是 什么 《石头记》又名《红楼梦》谁知道《脂砚斋重评石头记》中的脂砚斋是什么意思吗? My apple are ( )bingger than you 红楼梦中的脂砚斋是谁? 脂砚斋具体介绍, 脂砚斋到底是谁?在红学上,脂砚斋一直是一个神秘之人.他到底是谁呢?应不应揭开他的面纱?还他的本来面目?我想,这应该是广大红学研究者和关心红学事业的人去解决的问题. 脂砚斋评语阅读下面文段,准确摘抄与脂砚斋每条批语相应的语句.黛玉方进入房时,只见两个人搀着一位鬓发如银的老母迎上来,黛玉便知是他外祖母.方欲拜见时,早被他外祖母一把搂入怀中,心 脂评本能够提供我们关于红楼梦后半部分的写作情况? can't breat without you中文翻译 Whenl got my first job and got ____ (pay) 为什么 person who can take care of others是什么意思 英语缺词填空:this was my first day for the job.on Monday joy &peace 一般最低价格是多少 Tear drop by drop,little by little pain,this feeling..这句翻译成中文的正确意思是什么?