
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 11:52:46
用英文简单介绍电影驯龙高手 求电影 驯龙高手 英文简介和故事概述,英文的都是~英语课上要做一个presentation,关于驯龙高手的 为什么新加坡叫狮城 新加坡为什么被称为"狮城"请快点答复,我明天要交的告诉我QQ号码,有的话,作朋友 "狮城"新加坡的介绍 速度!简单的一句话中译英.翻译器勿进 !业绩不佳 的英文是……最好用“不佳”做形容词修饰 “业绩”,语气委婉一些.速度!急!多谢各位大虾! always said life was like a box of chocolates 那 said life was like a box of chocolates咧? 反映物候现象的古诗名句 与物候现象有关的古诗句上下句 是focus on还是be focused onThe show focuses on making fun of politicians.OrThe show was focuses on making fun of politicians. said后所说内容是否一定是过去式 She said she go ________________(填后天的过去式)好象是the next day after tomorrow focus...on...和focus on.都可以吧 fix on,focus on的区别是什么?都是集中于,快 海枯,石烂,日转,星移……仿写一个梦幻句子 focus on 等于什么 He is unfit for is job 后面反意疑问句怎么加?理由! He is new here.(反意疑问句) They need us( ) (help)them. focus on是什么结构 I was the messenger of love you,and you really lit the dark night sky! 下面这几句英文的意思是什么?要怎么回答?The occasionThe time you have to prepare foodThe skills to make food you haveThe kitchen and equipment you are to make the food inWhat you already have in your food storesWhere you can shop这 谁能翻译下happy children这首歌的歌词 两年前,刚刚爆发了日本侵略中国的九一八事变. 九一八事变后,中国共产党有什么反应?九一八后 日本侵华事态扩大 共产党又有什么反应? once they find people in need,they decide on suitable ways to help them!once引导的句子不是要主将重现么?但为什么上句不加will(即they will decide on suitable ways to help them)? Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.九年级第三单元的词汇公开课要怎么上? teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.这可得两个3A翻译一下吧~P27 p29 Do you think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes?Why?请以以上题目写一篇作文,字数100左右. teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes,why?谁帮我就这个题目写一篇50字的文章啊 冰心的一只小鸟中的 清 轻 和 美 分别是什么意思 帮帮忙 紧急! 一只小鸟阅读答?文章?自然段作者用清—轻—和—美 形容小鸟的声音,这四个字的意思分别是什么?