
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 08:35:33
初一一周的感受100字 《泊秦淮》中的“寒”字的作用泊秦淮(唐) 杜牧烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家.商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花. 初一英语考试后感想100字左右如题!急1! she seems worried now等不等于it seems like she is worried now.急! 11、______ opposite to the teacher,he felt very nervous.(1分)A、Seated B、Sat C、Seating D、Being sat12、I love classical music; ______,I rarely go to concerts.(1分)A、in addition B、however C、whereverD、therefore13、______ me a 高中英语听力哪家强 My aunt lives in an A-shaped house near the river.It is a 20th century cottage.翻译, Your order keeps our paperwork straight can you seand to me pris this items and min order also your web sit and other items 怎么翻译? 流水行船的应用题怎么做 应用题一道在2008年奥运会上,一次游泳预赛中的五位运动员的编号正好是5个连续的自然数,而且这5个自然数都是合数,你知道这5个自然数的和最小是多少吗? 五年级的一道应用题两根铁丝,第一根长63米,第二根长29米,两根铁丝剪去同样的长度后,第一根的长度是第二根的3倍,两根铁丝所剩各多少米?(列式解答) We are friends ,just friends When you have any mail to be picked up or your dog needs walking,he is your man When you have any mail to be picked up or your dog needs walking,he is your man.为什么用any呢?any不是用在疑问句或否定句吗? i see,we are just friend什么意思 ''Your future will be wonderful!cheer up! pick up / picked 抽屉原理例题平面上有6个点其中没有3点共线,每两点用粉线或绿线连接请说明:不管怎么连接,至少存在一个同色的三角形. 5.行程之流水行船问题(一)A、B两码头河流长为90千米,甲、乙两船分别从A、B码头同时起航,如果相向而行3小时相遇,如果同向而行15小时甲船追上乙船,求两船在静水中的速度. 抽屉原理的简单例题 简单的抽屉原理的例题 对于任意自然数xy,规定x*y=2x/y,+3,且256*x等于19,则x等于多少 46.— May I ask you a question?— ______________ A.Yes,do it B.Yes,please.C.Yes,all right.D.Yes,say it.47.— Doctor,what’s the matter with me?.— ____________ A.You are terrible.B.I’m afraid I can’t tell you C.Very well.D.Nothing serious.Yo A nail in coffin for masons 怎么翻译? nail in sb's/sth's coffin的nail是指甲还是钉子的意思? hitting the nail in the head应该如何翻译? nail in the coffin 是褒义还是贬义 有没有It seems to do 的句型?还是 it seems that We just the friend”是什么意思? 已知X+Y=5,其中X,Y均为自然数,那么2X-3Y的值大于0和小于0哪种情况的可能性大? 小蓝裙的故事 课文中的反义词我都急死了