
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 00:15:16
瀞这个字怎么读啊?大神们帮帮忙希望有知道 请问“木尾”读什么?我现代汉语词典上找不到这个字 请问我怎样才能做个很man的男人 比男的还MAN怎么办 男人如何变得MAN一点?自我感觉自己蛮认真负责的,责任心强,也比较细心,性格显得有些细腻.通过怎么样途径可以训练自己,使自己谈吐各方面显得有男人味一点,阳刚一点,这样招女孩子喜欢一 Man和Men是不是都是男人? 为什么一个男生说我很man? man是人类的的意思吗?那男人又是什么写呢? You are in my thoughts.请问怎么翻译? 男人听到女人说想要是什么感受我有时候很想和他做,但不敢开口跟他说我想要,总是等到他有需求跟我说,我想知道男人听到女朋友对他说我想要是什么感受,是会觉得很轻浮很SAO还是会很有感 女的说一个男的很man是什么意思啊? have a life ahead 的翻译when Jarrat married Lettie in 1921 and bought the little place across the draw from our home place and started to pay for it, in that time that was already hard, years before the Depression, he had a life ahead of him, it s 英语里动词be的用法,它要根据人称和时态的不同而不同,但用它本身时切不太会用,谁能教教我? 人名后的be动词是什么 Be动词时态be made of造句是The doors of the palace were made of beaten gold.我能区分意思,只是不知道为什么用were而不能是is.另外什么时候用is/are,was/were,比如我刚刚是开玩笑是i'm just joking吗,为什么...那 初一英语根据首字母填词 The old woman can not s____ the idea that old people can not be beautiful.Can you please put my letter in next month's m____?Egyptians like wearing s____ on their heads. 初一英语首字母. 英语作文 my national day vacation不少于五十英语作文 my national day vacation不少于五十词 It is Christmas Day,and there is a big partyIt is Christmas Day,and there is a big party in the house . 请以《我与好书的故事》为题写一篇500字的文章 there is a big f_____ dinner. Do you have any big paper?I'd like some big ones改错 i was change my mind this time这次我改变主意了,是应该写成 1.i was changing my mind this time2.i was changed my mind this time3.i changed my mind this time.第三个应该是没有语法错误,肯定是对的了.但是我非觉得这句 科技发展利大辩论稿不要太多,450字左右! 科技发展利大的辩论稿不能重复别人的,别人的我都已经有了.快,明天就要开辩论会了~ I have no paper to_________.问:应该填write on还是write with?Why? Great as Newton was,many of his ideas ________ today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.A) are to challengeB) may be challengedC) have been challengedD) are challenging Great as Newton was ,many of his ideas_today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our timeA) are to challengeB) may be challengedC) have been challengedD) are challenging 英语翻译The ease with which truly great ideas are accepted and taken for granted fails to lessen their significance. The accient Greeks were great builders and thinkers.Their ideas still influence us today,e() in thearts and science.Boys in accient Greece stayed at home when they were young .They helped their parents work and had h()like fishing and sailing.At the ___ he says or does won't make me change my mind at allA whatever B However C Which D How为什么不能选A 我觉得A也挺合适的 无论他说什么或做什么.还有为什么 B 和D 却选D