
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 13:50:11
有关“tobacco and society”的英语文章烟草与社会各方面之间的关系,如健康、经济、环境……等.越详细越好.主要是烟草与社会的关系,而非烟草对个人的危害. 英语翻译thinks.首先帮我改错:parents`hair turn white.原意是父母亲的头发正在慢慢变白,它这句是时态不对吧.下面的帮我全部翻译出来:“make them feel angry”中的“angry”应改为“disappointed”. tobacco是可数名词吗? It was a really simple gesture .为什么用 really 而不用 real Now I'ma be real,B-real was real.翻译 如题这是歌手EMINEM的其中一句歌词 不会翻译别胡说八道 epidemic routing怎么翻译 英语翻译我想的是 事务处理锦囊,但是觉得不通顺,也不好听 英语翻译向国外银行提款的时候,发现单子上要填:sorting or routing number.后面还有一小句注释:if applicable.Contact your bank officer if unusure.这句注释看得懂,就是不明白要我填写的sorting or routing numbe Suicide epidemic has city reeling.如何翻译. IP routing protocols是什么意思?可以翻译为IP路由协议吗? 如何写好中秋节的作文 如何写好关于中秋节的作文,不要作文,只要方法 如何写好中秋作文 Mrs.White is your teacher.对your teacher部分的提问还有一个填空Can you ______(draw)?Yes,I like _____(draw). 唇亡齿寒的同义词谁知道? It is the easiest of gesture :the clasping of our hand with another"s''but the simple handshake has a power few of us stop to consider i want her to write to()soon 哈尔滨最著名的就是冰雕了用英语怎么说 冰雕向日葵,用英语怎么说? 选择以下那个句子是对的? I study all week for today's test or i studied all weekI study all week for today's test or i studied all week for today's test? 我想改名我姓李 想改名字里面有“俊”这个字,名字有点帅气的! He asked me if there was _______ in today's newpaper.选哪个:A.anything interesting B.interesting anything C.something interesting D.interesting someting 说明理由 The defence lawyer asked for another week to _______ their case.prepare和prepare for选哪个?prepare the case和prepare for the 正兴味盎 是什么意思? 古味盎然中的 盎 的意思 Tall Tall Trees 歌词 求《What A Friend We Have In Jesus》《Sissy's song》《Tall tall trees》《Litty bitty》歌词中英文翻AlanJackson的,翻译不要太硬了,能翻译美一点就尽量美一点. 如何翻译看冰雕 There aren’t any bakeries on Garden Street.改为单数句 酒店挂四星级和准四星级, would like to 等于什么同上would like to=?后面写英语啊 would like等于hope么?