
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/30 10:39:43
小学生文明行为规范有哪些 a+b=-4,ab=2,求a^7+b^7的值这是一道数学题 There are two main things that make aircraft ...please translateThere are two main things that make aircraft engineering difficult; the need to make every part as reliable as possible and the need to build everything as light as possible, a+b=7,ab=4,求a乘a+b乘b的值 Spanner saw that gravity was what made things stay on the ticking bormb歌词中文翻译谁有 ticking Whether you’re defusing a ticking time bomb,or you’re trying to design a decentlookingsite.ticking time 应该怎么翻译呢? 2.理解性默写①写木兰代父从军原因的句子: , .②.写木兰出征前紧张、周密准备的句子是: 木兰代父从军的原因是什么?用自己的话概括出来 木兰代父从军的原因是什么?(用原文回答) 木兰代父从军的故事彰显了古代女子的聪明才智和勇敢坚强的优秀品质.你能举出当代像木兰这样富有才智、勇敢坚强的女性吗?请用简洁的语言叙述他的故事 数学14-18题 暑假生活50天数学18页第14题14.求不等式-1 1.Jack has _____________________ to sell his house.2.\x05We came to the UK in 1974 and have lived here ___________________.3.\x05The famous artist ____________________________ drawing when he was a child.4.\x05I don’t ______________________________ 卜算子 咏梅的咏梅是这首词的() (a+ab)-[(ab-2b)-a]-(-9ab),其中a+b=-7,ab=3. 函数定义域问题 CEdit控件的SetSel(0,-1),不起作用了?有一个Edit控件,给它添加了一个OnEnSetfocusEdit1函数 在里面写入CEdit *pedit=(CEdit *)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);pedit->SetSel(0,-1);为什么内容不能被选中? Was it at the school()there was a clock tower()he spent his childhood?为什么答案是WHERE和THAT?为什么不能两个都是强调句?there was a clock tower at the school.去掉was it...that 句子任然完整啊? It was in the very school that was in the mountain that he spent his childhood.那位高手能解释一下这个句 [谚语解释〕以眼还眼,以牙还牙 20121314即2012年 1月 3 日 14时,这个时间有什么意义或故事什么的? 趣味题:有四个棱长分别为6、8、10和12cm的正方形,都是用同种铁制成的.如果放在天平两边称,要怎样放才能使天平平衡?2.小数化分数0.15=( ) 0.45=( ) 0.55=( )0.65=( ) 0.04=( ) 0.08=( )0 下面是两个编写历史书的老先生为一个史料的引用作的一番问答,能说出问答的意思吗?甲:而何藉而籍?()乙:籍籍籍.() 若三角形ABC的三边a、b 、c、满足条件a2+b2+c2+338=10a+24b+26c("2"为二次方),试判断三角形ABC的形状. 都是图,猜成语,第一个是M弯弯曲曲的,第二个是颠倒的四和五,都少了一横,第三个是天在上面,手在下面 how i--the film is 还赙赠一题设f(x)定义在实数集R上,当X>0时,00),求f(x)的单调区间,并证明f(x)在其单调区间上的单调性 Seeking for inner peace还是Seek for inner peace 那个用法对? 改错:he'll the mostprobably sell the house and go to live with his daughter 言字旁加"襄"是什么字?