
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 06:11:28
我的理想是宇航员 我的理想航天员 一个数的百分之25加上12正好是它本身,求这个数 声学语音学和发音语音学有什么区别吗? 当n取任意整数时对于代数式n(n+1)(n+2)(n+3)+1总是一个完全平方数是真命题么 将2,3,4,5,n(n大于4的整数)分成两组,使得每组中任意两树之和都不是完全平方数,那么,整数n可以取得的最大值是------- A除B=7.5,被除数和除数都扩大100倍,商不变,余数是500.是对还是错 第十题是什么 第10题是什么啊… 甲地海拔高度为32米,乙地海拔高度为-18米,则两地高度相差多少米? 1 2提,謝謝啦 第10题,对的是啥 什么数字能替换问号?6 11 1311 7 9 7 8 7 能在地球画麦田圈的外星人智商比人高吗? 哪个数字能代替途中的问号, 甲绳长24米,甲绳比乙绳长20%.乙绳长多少米?甲绳长24米,甲生比乙绳短5/4.乙绳长多少米? 甲绳长24米,甲绳比乙绳长20%,乙绳长多少米? 甲地的海拔高度为1800米,乙地的海拔高度为-300米,甲乙两地的相对高度应为( )米 已知log6(3)=0.6131,log6(x)=0.3869,则x=在线等,速度 猜哑语——桌子上摆着一尊菩萨像和15朵鲜花.要求你在鲜花和菩萨像上做三个动作,表示三个成语.小勇沉思了片刻,就立刻行动起来.他先把所有的鲜花移到菩萨像前,接着他把七朵花横放,将菩 1,1,2,2,3,4,3,5,? 问号处填什么数字?为什么如题 -3lnx=e^(-y/3)还是x 六黑七白不放回地拿,第五次摸到黑球的概率? 12只球,5白7黑,一只一只摸,第七次摸到白的概率? ∫3/(x*x*x+1)dx ∫1/(2+sin x)dx 和 ∫1/(2sin x-cos x+5)dx的解法 反函数的知识反函数的定义,性质及图象 英文译成中文(八118)第一:They like to learn how something works.第二:They learn fast when they're shown how something is done rather than just told.(另外在这里 like,shown,how ,something,rather,如何译?)请指教! 英文译成中文(报16)Sandy worked as a school counselor and she wanted to help people.One day she noticed a girl standing by herself on one side of a playing field while the rest of the kids enjoyed a game of soccer at the other.sandy asked i 已知函数y= f(x)的图像经过定点(0,1),那么y=f-1(x+1)-2的图像必经过定点------?f-1是反函数的标志. 如图,AB=CD BF⊥AC于点F,DE⊥AC于点E AE=CF 求证:BF=DC 英文译成中文(报6)A young boy went on a train trip,A man sat across from him.There was a small box on his seat.The man looked strange,so the boy didn't want to talk to him.The man took out two napkins,a knife and an apple from the box.He pe 英文译成中文6第一:you are very brave when you face any difficulty.You don't like making friends very quickly,but once you do,it is for life.You are also agood leader.第二:He can't understand our science teacher,Miss ma.劳驾!