
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 05:29:32
下图阴影部分的面积占甲圆面积的2/5,占乙圆面积的1/3,甲,乙甲乙两圆面积的比是多少 已知集合A={a的平方,a+1,-3,},B={a-3,2a-1,a的平方+1},若A∩B={-3},求实数a的值. 设全集U={2,3,a平方+2a-3},A={/2a-1/,2}且CuA={5}求实数a的值.回答请写过程 设全集U={2,3,a平方+2a-3},A={/2a-1/,2}且GuA={5}求实数a的值. 集合A={a+2,2a的平方+a},若3属于A,求实数a的值. sinαcosα的最值是多少 sinα+cosα的最值 sin(x)+cos(x)的最值RT 如右图,阴影部分的面积相当于甲圆面积的1/6,相当于乙圆面积的1/5,那么空白面积的比是? sinαcosα / (1+sinα+cosα)求最值如题 右图中阴影部分的面积是甲圆面积的2/13,是乙圆面积的1/4,乙圆面积是甲圆面积的几分之几? 如右图显示,阴影部分的面积相当于甲圆面积的1/6,相当于乙圆面积的1/3,那么甲、乙两个面积的比是多少? 阴影部分的面积是甲圆面积的2/13,是乙圆面积的1/4,乙圆面积是甲圆的几分之几 英语翻译Start at 9 and count by 7s until 65.How many numbers are in the sequence? 英语写的数学题 求救 不难就是看不懂.In square WXYZ (not shown),point V is the midpoint of side YZ and the area of triangle XYV is 4/5.What is the area of square (A) 2(B) 8/5(C) 4(D) 16/5(E) 18/5 一个简单的英语数学题,但是有一个地方看不懂,求助!Art realized that he had 2 more quarters than he had originally thought in his pocket. If all of the change in his pocket is quarters and it totals to $8.75, how many quarters did h 一道数学题...我还没学cos,能不能只用sin,如下图,在矩形ABCD中,DE⊥AC于E,设∠ADE=α,且sinα=4/5 ,AB=4,则AD的长 数学必修4习题3.1 13题 ⑧sin(α-β)sin(β-γ)-cos(α-β)cos(γ-β)⑨(tan四分之五π + tan十二分之五π)/(1-tan十二分之五π) 一道GMAT数学题~Amy's grade was the 90th percentile of the 80 grades for her class.Of the 100 grades from another class,19 were higher than Amy's,and the rest were lower.If no other grade was the same as Amy's grade,then Amy's grade was what perc 如图两个圆重叠部分的面积是A圆的面积的11分之1,是B圆面积的4分之1,求重叠部分面积是55,求A,B的面积 已知向量a=(根号2sin(4/π+x)+1,-根号3),b=(根号2sin(4/π+x)-1,cos2x函数f(x)=ab (1)若函数h(x)=f(x+t)已知向量a=(根号2sin(4/π+x)+1,-根号3),b=(根号2sin(4/π+x)-1,cos2x函数f(x)=ab(1)若函数h(x)=f(x+t)的图像关于(-6/π,0)对 如图,阴影部分面积是圆面积的5分之3,是长方形面积的9分之2,圆的面积和长方形的面积比是() 用换元法解方程2x^2+8x-20/x^2+4x=13,若设x^2+4x=y,则原方程可化为关于y的方程为 .填空 看不懂题干.The sum of 4 integers is even.Which one is larger,A or A The number of these integers that are odd.B 4 英语翻译 这是一道统计学的英文数学题,因为我真的看不懂Instead of wanting to know what percent of the data falls into a particular class,we often want to know what percent falls below a certain value.To make this possible,we will compute the -3是集合a-3,2a+1,a^2+1里的一个元素,求a的值. 已知集合A含有两个元素a-3与2a-1,若-3属于集合A,试求实数a的值怎么解,理由 二次函数Y等于X的平方加2X加5在区间什么上是增函数? 已知y 是x平方-mx+1是关于x的二次函数……已知y 是x平方-mx+1是关于x的二次函数,当x的取值范围是1《x《3时,y在x=1时取得最大值,则实数m的取值范围是? 二次函数y等于x平方加2x加2图像的对称轴方程为 勾股定理的证明方法有几种?