
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 13:24:31
呢条题点做呀?如题 15.(满分12分)某校团委书记暑假将带领该校市级优秀学生乘旅行社的车去A市参加科技夏令营,甲旅行社说:“如果团委书记买全票,则其余学生可享受半价优惠” who wrote the book______(叫)my mother?by 为什么 CO2( SO2)括号中的的杂质怎么出 歇后语:四体不勤—() 百尺竿头—() 千里之行() 万事俱备() 八仙过海—() 上天无路—() soccer是什么意思 八仙过海下一句 千里之行,.蚌相争,.君子一言,.塞翁失马,.八仙过海,.逆水行舟,. 八仙过海下一句是什么? 八仙过海的故事要详细分类,比如:韩湘子.这样 英语信件人工翻中yeah,i know that my english is a little better than your,but i'll be happy to help to learn it)))as for me than i have a sister,she is rather cool...i love pets,especially cats,they are so lovely!))i love my cat very much))i l 英语信翻中,手工翻hi,my dear!)))i'm too impressed and like that you wrote such a long letter)now i'm in train,going from minsk to my parents...i'm using my cell,so i can't write much...minsk this is a capital of belarus...tomorrow i will come 英文信件人工翻4ohh,i'm so impressed,u remeber me too)))i'll make you my number one in friend list)))i'm 182-184,don't know exactly...ohh,you're rather tall for a japaneese girl...i think it seems to be very beautiful...many boys like you...ohh 英文信件人工翻3amm if you are not complete japaneese,than what is your real nationality?i don't know why your tooth are changing in 17,but european people have such a problem maybe in 12-13 years but not in 17...in 18-20 only 4 big tooth grow. 英文信件翻中,手工的Hi,sweety!))i waited for you for so long...i missed you...my cat is rather fat)))but he always run in the house,he is a little bit crazy and funny))i do not think that cats are difficult,it de[ends on the cat or dog...my i 同学为朋 同事为友 还是反过来 同学为友 同事为朋 哪个说法是正确的? mind啥意思 Which place in China are good go to shopping 朋与友是一个意思吗? 朋亦空昔友亦空怎么解释啊 英语翻译BabyCare opened its first store in China last June in a shopping center in central Beijing and another near Beijing Zoo. And if you e______Chinese food ,you can t_____the Chinese restaurant in Star Shopping Mall.补全横线上的词 "Brush and floss.Where has that finger been?在一个动画里面看到的,应该是国外什么典故或者俚语吧,字面解释有点说不过去。 英语翻译我一个外国朋友很想知道kyle这个名字用中文怎么写,就叫我查一下,不过我不是很懂啦 finger spacing ωs和finger width ωf应该怎么翻译 the great person in my mind 60字的作文不要太多字 时态一定要正确. 引用经典中的词句或故事 把不同的事物不加区别地混在一起来谈论或对待 是哪些成语 古代是的"朋"与"友"的意思分别是什么.急.答的好有追加分快. 677路公交到望京医院时,有2/5的乘客下车,又有21人上车,这时车上的乘客比原来多30%.原来车上有乘客多少人? 一辆汽车从车站开出时恰好坐满了人,途中到达某站有1/4的乘客下车又有21人上车6个没座位车内有多少人连算式 一辆汽车,从东站开出时坐满了,途中到达某站,有八分之一的乘客下车,又有二十一人上车,这时车上有六人没有座位,这时车内有乘客多少人 I run _____ _____ _____ (quick) than you 怎么填? please run quick 这个句子对吗?