
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 09:12:40
请问英语怎样可以学的更快呢? 形容放下罪行很大的成语 如何轻松放下包袱 放下包袱 诗句就是关于人要放下包袱好好活着之类的诗句啦~ 已知a的x次等于根号六根号五,求a的x次减a的负x减次分之a的3x次减a的-3x次 紧张时应该紧张,轻松时应该轻松的成语是什么 俗语说 “成人不自在, 1、已知三角形ABC的三边a、b、c的长均为正整数,且a≤b≤c,若b为常数,则满足要求的三角形ABC的个数是?(用b的代数式表示)2、已知函数f(x)=min{sinx,cosc},则f(x)的值域为[-1,√2/2](判断对错)写明解 求如图函数的导数? 大学英语最高几级?六级最高了吗 大学英语是几级的 英语单选18题 不懂 函数 (5 8:39:45) 设f(x)在[0,1] 上的图象是连续不断的一条曲线,且0≤f(x)≤1.证明:至少有一点c∈[0,1], 能够使f(c)=c.    数学函数一直是难题,不知怎么迅速提高函数的解题能力!每次做函数总是因为符合函数性质图像搞得我很晕,什么小于最大值,大于最小值……求系统的列举一下! I usually go to school (at 7:20)every day 对划线提问I usually go to school (at 7:20)every day 对划线提问问的格式为_____ _____ ______you______go to school every day? 关于中考英语名词选择题She told me _______the day before yesterday.A so good a newsB a piece of good news谢 非诚勿扰 The problem is that people don't eat as____as in the past and they don't take as much ____ as they did.A well exercise B good exercises C much foods D many food怎么翻译?、 几道英语选择题(名词)-How many ___ does a cow have?A.stomaches B.stomachs-The rising ___ have(has) a lot of harm to the crops.A.water B.watersI can hardly imagine ___ sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A.Peter B.Peter'sTh 怎么样学广东话?最快 吉首大学学士学位与四级挂钩吗 帮我看看这一句英语句子写得对不对?错在哪里?【高一水平】the road has seen more trafic accident 怎么改 英语翻译 战斗英雄邱少云的事迹鼓舞我们 这个英语句子是否正确?have you ever heard of an increasing amount of news about school problems? 这英语句子是否正确?One day,Tom got in a trouble and asked his friend for advice and then they offer him some and encourage him to the dance party. 英语句子是否正确i wanna a car 关于英语句子是否正确就是lets.go and see what they have achieved 老师说我句子错了,问一下到底错了没有那个点不是逗号,那就是一句话.let's “战斗英雄邱少云的事迹教育我们”是一病句?咋改? 对英语答案. 英语对答案. 网店的英文是什么?