
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 14:52:44
甲、乙、丙三人共同加工420个零件,已知甲比乙多加工13个,丙是乙的四分之三,甲、乙、丙...甲、乙、丙三人共同加工420个零件,已知甲比乙多加工13个,丙是乙的四分之三,甲、乙、丙三人个加工 怎样才能提高英语交流能力呢?我在交流时总会出这样或那样的语法问题. 我现在总是用英语的语法来分析汉语,很苦恼.是钻牛角尖吧,已经两个月了,整天问为什么,怎么你就知道说这个的时候就用这个呢,为什么它和它就摆在一起的呢,每一句话都是很复杂的,听别人 一首英文歌,歌词中好象有:i don't mind.i'll be fine,if you give me a minute,a man got a limit. 英语能力全面提升,首要的是提升基础的语法知识.那怎样提升基础的语法知识呢? Dick study hard.He wants to pass the examination.合并为一句 要加工1129个零件,己经加工了121个,剩下的12天完成,平均每天生产多少个零件? 甲,乙,丙三人同一时间加工零件1480个,已知加工一个零件,甲需要6分钟,乙需要9分钟,丙需要7.问:当他们完成任务时,各加工了多少个零件? He wants to pass the English exam.So he works hard ____ it. He works hard __________ (pass) the exam.He was kind enough ________________ (excuse) me.I´m sorry ___________ (have) kept you waiting so long.Don´t you notice that smoking __________________ (not allow允许)here?You must not go higher,or 有什么方法可以提高自己的英语水平,主要是语法,词组记忆,口语 怎样有计划有效率的提高英语水平?学词汇、语法、口语、听力怎样交叉学比较好? 请问怎样才能提高我的英语水平呢?英语口语和语法是我最弱的部分,.. 用you/Mr crisp/are/here组成一个句子 口语好语法差我家小孩今年要上初中了,想考进当地的外国语学校,她的口语不错,从小培养她阅读,词汇量也很大,之前看过她表姐的初三英语课本,她也能看懂,因为她的母语是英语,但是毕竟是 口语奇怪语法I always knew looked familiar.It is a real sentance from a TV show.and there are no wrong within it,i think.i mean that i haven't spell the wrong words.i always knew?这里是不是也有问题?我是指纯语法。既然always那 temple的意思 外国人常说的give me five “睁大眼睛地”用英语怎么说? that指代谁?...statements affirming or denying certain matters of fact that you are prepared to prove 中that指代statement还是fact? 英语that指代问题1.The problem of pollution in this city is more serious than ___ in other cities.A.that C.this D.those2.It is much more sandy in Beijing than ___ in spring and early Tianjin B.that in Tianjin C.Tianjin it 和that指代问题1.The mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C.has just had an operation.The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes 中的that我觉得用it 指代,因为 这里 的mummy分明就是同一 temple是什么意思 1.形容比赛时每个人都施展自己的本领,场面非常精彩.2.形容事情十分凑巧,偶然获得成功.将句子意思改成歇后语. 为什么“ give me five”是击掌的意思? 若等差数列an的前五项和S5=25,且a2=3,则a7=? 我成功了(作文) 要求1.写出你取得成功的事例 2.有条理,中心突出,善于刻画心理活动.300字! 若等差数列{an}的前5项和S5=25,且a2=3,则a7=() 若等差数列an的前5项和S5=25,且a2=3,则a4= 用that或who把两个句子连接起来I will buy something next Sunday.My grandpa likes best._________________________________________________________ 这句话怎么办?其中,that可不可以用who替代?After years' research the journalist found the only survivor that witnessed the disaster. 高一下英语完型阅读训练十四I was unemployed at the time and I was getting heip from the government.One day ,I was walking to a