
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 07:38:27
英语翻译好像是来自是瑞典的乐队 3.把多项式(1+x)(1-x)-(x-1)提公因式(x-1)后,余下的部分是A.x+1 B.-(x+1) C.x D.-(x+2)4在实数范围内分解因式(2)x^4-4x^2+4=(3)x^4-9=(4)x^5-x^3=5.已知x=6,y=1/6,求x^2+xy-5x-5y的值6.已知a^2+4a+9b^2+6b+5=0 帮我解一些数学题1.a-1/3(a+b)+1/2(a-b)-1/6(a-2b)=( )[1/3表示三分之一,1/2表示二分之一,1/6表示六分之一]2.( )·(3x-x^2+xy)=6x^2-2x^3+2x^2 y[x^2表示x的2次方,x^3表示x的3次方,2x^2表示2x的2次方][2x^2 y是2x的 急求《水浒传》之(杨志卖刀、武松打虎、火烧祝家店)三篇读后感大约在550字左右我赶着急用啦! 《水浒传》中有许多脍炙人口的故事,如:武松打虎,杨志卖刀,林冲雪夜上梁山等.请你准备一段水浒故事参比赛,比一比,看谁讲得最生动. Don't you know that b_ is another way of saying bike. do you know another way of _saying_ fall.为什么不用speaking What's another way of saying exam ?什么意思 the pay phne is next to the bank改为同义句 because of you,my world more becatiful!的意思是什么 What's another way of saying TV? TV is another way of saying t_ “what does he do ”is another way of saying “ ” a what is he b what is he do c what job is h TV is another way of saying t____ “t____”里应该填写什么啊 英语据意填词 TV is another way ( )saying television .1.TV is another way ( )saying television .2.At last he didn't buy the expensive camera,( )went to another shop.3.It is well-know( )all that Cancer is terrible( )in the world.4.Lucy Clear Blue Sky 歌词 [DJMAX] Tsukasa - The Clear Blue Sky[Long English] The Clear Blue Sky英语完整版The Clear Blue Sky英语完整版这首歌曲大概是3分10多秒的时间.谁有完整的?现在这里谢谢了 怎样记英语单词的词性,记英语单词的词性有必要吗? 家教试讲数学该怎么选题呢 第一次家教数学必修一函数,明天试讲,该讲什么,该做哪些准备, Faye是什么意思 王菲让“内什么”火了一把!,那么“内什么”是什么意思?. Faye Reagans是什么意思 王菲《幽兰操》的含义歌词较韩愈的《幽兰操》有所改动,请问传达的意义还一样么?不要复制粘贴别人的答案,对于韩愈的原文已经有所了解……现在问的是王菲唱的《幽兰操》歌词的含义… 描写林黛玉的美文. 电影赤壁中诸葛亮 周瑜 曹操的性格 电影赤壁上中周瑜和诸葛亮弹的古筝曲叫什么啊 王菲的"闷"表达的是什么意思只是字面意思,还是说渴望纯真的爱情?或者说仁者见仁智者见智. 念奴娇.“三国周郎赤壁”的故事 几道高一英语单项选择 给出具体解释 谢5.Alice trusts you ; only you can ____ her to give up the foolish idea.A.insist B.advise C.suffer D.persuade 27.It was with great joy _____ he received that news that his lost daughter had been fou 关于龙的故事别太长了,140字左右 1、Those tourists were pleased this trip,___________that they would come for another trip in the year 2010.A added B、and adding C、adding up to D、adding2、He slept well with all the windows _______.A 、open B、opened C、opening