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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 14:00:24 医药学论文
【免费论文网 - 医药学论文】
关键字:避孕套 求医 就诊 感染源 感染 性病 男性 女性 患者 使用

  【摘要】目的 探讨性病患者的感染源、求医和防病等行为特征。方法 对上海市3个性病门诊的474例患者进行了问卷调查和深入访谈。结果 发现94.1%的性病是通过性接触而感染,70.3%的已婚女性把感染源归咎于其丈夫,而80%以上的已婚男性和未婚男女从临时性伴和卖淫嫖娼途径感染上性病。供销员、服务员、个体经营者和无业人员等职业人群易从非婚性接触感染性病,且避孕套使用率低。74.5%因为有了症状才求医;分别只有82.7% 、62 .2%、57.1%和30.0%性病患者表示会鼓励其配偶、同居者、暗娼和临时性伴就诊作性病检测;虽然女性患者的求医行为较为积极,但性病患者整体上治病不及时,男女同治率低,避孕套使用率低。在卖淫嫖娼者中,避孕套使用率不到4.2%,即使知道感染性病后使用率也只有9.7%左右。结论 对性病患者应加强咨询和健康教育,减少性伴数和慎重选择性伴,坚持正确地使用避孕套,鼓励男女同治,提高防病意识,接受健康的生活方式。

   【Abstract】 Objective To understand the infection sources, care-seek ing behaviour and STD prevention in STD clinic patients.Methods Four hundred and seventy-four patients of 3 STD clinics in Shanghai were inve stigated with questionaires and interviewed.Results 94.1% respondents contracted STDs via sexual contact. 70.3% married females attributed their infection source to thei r husbands, while more than 80% males and unmarried patients were infected throu gh casual or commercial sex partners. High risk populations were observed among salesclerks, hotel attendants, private businessmen and unemployed, who were liab le to contract STD through extramarital sexual contact and had a low rate of con dom use. 74.5% of patients who visited the clinics after their symptoms had appe a red. 82.7%, 62.2%, 57.1% and 30.0% of patients, whose sex partners were their sp ouses, lovers, commercial sex workers and casual partners, respectively, promise d to encourage their partners for STD check-up. Although the care-seeking beha vio ur among females was slightly more active than that among males, postponed treat ment-seeking behaviour, low rate of simultaneous treatment of both male and fem a le partners and low rate of condom use were observed among total patients. Major ity of patients practised unprotected sexual intercourse, 4.2% used condom in co mmercial sexual activities, only 9.7% used condom even after having contracted t he present STDs.Conclusion It is implied that counselling and health education must b医药学论文