
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 18:13:42


spent effect 去火功效
Embellish lung 润肺
Pears have sugary have fructose and glucose,etc,with the liver,helping digestion,promote appetite effect,can be used for hepatitis and liver cirrhosis patient auxiliary diet.Contains a variety of vitamins and potassium,calcium,step-down,heat,calm and diuresis function,to high blood pressure,heart disease,at the same time with dizzy,heart palpitations,tinnitus,who has a therapeutic effect.梨所含糖类有果糖和葡萄糖等,具有保肝、助消化、促进食欲的作用,可用于肝炎、肝硬化病人的辅助食疗.所含有的多种维生素及钾、钙元素,有降压、清热、镇静和利尿作用,对高血压、心脏病同时伴有头晕目眩、心悸、耳鸣者,有一定的治疗效果.
The pulp of pear is sitting and dryness,heat,phlegm,and so effective,apply to the tianjin vexed thirsty,fever injury thirst disease,hot cough,phlegmy heat surprised crazy,choke diaphragmatic,thirsty,eye red sore lose my voice,indigestion.Peel pears are pure in heart,embellish lung,send a fire,AIDS,filling kidney sitting,Yin efficacy
Pear raw can obviously remove upper respiratory tract infection in the throat of the patients with dry,itchy,pain,sound dumb,and constipation symptoms such as urinary red.Will the pear into pear juice,or add peng the sea,winter melon seeds,a few of rock candy,boiled water,dry,constitution of weather embolisation fire,nor lift up his voice,and the dry laryngitis,have moist laryngeal,supplement the effect of the body fluid梨生吃能明显解除上呼吸道感染患者所出现的咽喉干、痒、痛、音哑,以及便秘尿赤等症状.将梨榨成梨汁,或加澎大海、冬瓜子、冰糖少许,煮饮,对天气亢燥、体质火旺、喉炎干涩、声音不扬者,具有滋润喉头、补充津液的功效


Pears taste good.