打开PDF文件提示 this file does not have a program associated with .打开PDF文件时提示:this file does not have a program associated with for performing this action.create an association in the folder options control panel.请高手指教

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 00:01:35

打开PDF文件提示 this file does not have a program associated with .打开PDF文件时提示:this file does not have a program associated with for performing this action.create an association in the folder options control panel.请高手指教
打开PDF文件提示 this file does not have a program associated with .
打开PDF文件时提示:this file does not have a program associated with for performing this action.create an association in the folder options control panel.
请高手指教是哪里出了问题,我重新装过 adobe reader ,还是不行

打开PDF文件提示 this file does not have a program associated with .打开PDF文件时提示:this file does not have a program associated with for performing this action.create an association in the folder options control panel.请高手指教
更改的话,按着shift点右键,选打开方式-选择程序 ,然后在程序列表里选你装的adobe reader ,注意把“总是用此程序打开”打上勾.
另外,有可能是你adobe reader 安装的问题,看看能不能打开adobe reader 吧,如果能打开,可以在adobe reader 里点打开,再找到你要浏览的文件打开.

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