
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 06:49:50


decoration something serving to beautify; embellishment; ornament.
eggnog a traditional Christmas drink made of beaten eggs,milk or cream,and sugar.
fireplace an indoor recess in a chimney,in which fires can be made; hearth.
garland a wreath,chain,or string made to be worn for celebration or decoration,esp.one made of flowers,leaves,vines,or the like.
mistletoe a parasitic plant,species of which are found in Europe,Asia,and North America,having evergreen leaves and bearing white berries and small,yellow flowers.Often used as a Christmas decoration.
present something given as a gift.
reindeer any of several related large deer found in the colder regions of Europe,Asia,and Greenland,both sexes of which have branching antlers.Thought to pull Santa's sleigh.
Santa Claus in folklore,a fat,bearded old man in a red suit who lives at the North Pole and brings children presents at Christmas; St.Nicholas; St.Nick; Kriss Kringle.
sleigh a light horse-drawn cart on runners that is used to carry people over snow and ice.
tinsel a glittering material with a metallic appearance that is produced in strips,sheets,or the like and used for its decorative effect,esp.at Christmas.
wreath a circular band,usu.of flowers or foliage woven or twisted together,used as a symbol or decoration.
advent the arrival or coming to exist,esp.of something important.
chimney a hollow,vertical structure of masonry,which allows smoke and gases to escape from a furnace,fireplace,or stove; flue.