
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 03:20:01


How to Cope with Growing Pains of Students
Nowadays, the students are facing all kinds of troubles in their daily lives, that is, growing pains coming from their parents' and studies' pressure. The pressure makes the students tired, sleepy and even easy for them to lose the interest in life. Then how to cope with those problems is becoming more and more important for the students at present.
In my opinion, to think over by themshelves and try to communicate with their parents are two good ways to do. What to study and how to study should be decided by the students but not the parents. Study without aims and interest is boring, that is the bad beginning of a long time study. So the students should think over what they want to do in the future and make a good plan of study. Most of the students have to be forced to study some subjects that they dislike by their parents, because they can't think on their own. Then talking with their parents is the second way to make it up. Try to tell your parents your likes and dislikes and ask them to help your develop and make use of your interest. I think, their parents will think their kids have grown up, because the kids have their own thoughts and also respect their parents.
I hope the above ideas can help the students in troule out. And wish them to have a nice time in their study life.

英语作文:同学们在成长的过程中会遇到形形色色的烦脑如何面对.(包括家庭压力和学习压力)100词左右 100字作文提纲,作文提示:同学们发现河流都不是直线的,而且弯弯曲曲的曲线,老师说:原因是河流在前进过程中,会遇到各种障碍,有些是无法通过的,只能绕道而行,从而它才能到达大海.成长 帮我写篇英语作文:某英文网正在收集同学们在学习英语过程中遇到的困难,以便为同学们排忧解难,写...帮我写篇英语作文:某英文网正在收集同学们在学习英语过程中遇到的困难,以便为同 作文200字速度在成长过程中你一定遇到这样那样的困难.当你遇到什么困难,怎样克服写一篇作文 成长的过程中会遇到什么难题,那个难题怎么解决? 科学家在探究的过程中会遇到哪些过程 科学家在探究的过程中会遇到哪些过程 成长作文我们在成长的过程中,总是会遇到磕磕绊绊,受到伤害,遭遇失败……我们曾一度以为自己走不出头顶的那片乌云.可是,我们最终却可以笑着对那些过往说,呵呵,小case!非常成长故事,诚约 在丑小鸭的成长过程中,遇到了哪些自以为是的家伙 名人在成长过程中遇到挫折 是怎样解决的 在成长过程中,使我懂得环保的作文 以成长为话题写一篇作文:一棵小树在漫长的生长过程中,会遇到风风雨雨的洗礼,面对困难,只要能挺过去,经受住时间的考验,它就会长成一棵参天的大树……  请以“成长”为话题,写一篇 成长的过程中遇到挫折和阻碍怎么办 作文,在成长的岁月中 写在成长过程中一个人对你的影响. (1/2)根据下列要求写一篇英语作文,100字左右.高中生在成长中会遇到一些烦恼,比方:相貌,形体彩不美...(1/2)根据下列要求写一篇英语作文,100字左右.高中生在成长中会遇到一些烦恼,比方:相 英语作文:在英语学习的过程中,遇到过哪些困难,又遇到过哪些有趣的事情?写一篇70词的作文, 题:男女生如何正常交往. 要求:叙述成长过程中遇到的问题200字左右作文.急需!初二作文 作文在你成长的过程中一定有什么事或者什么话会激励你奋发前进吧请写出来