
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 15:49:23


My sister my mom dad and i

There are four people in my family.They're my parents, my sister and me.My father is a (职业).He loves his job a lot.He loves (爱好).My mother is a (职业)………………I am a student.I love (爱好)I have a wonderful f...


There are four people in my family.They're my parents, my sister and me.My father is a (职业).He loves his job a lot.He loves (爱好).My mother is a (职业)………………I am a student.I love (爱好)I have a wonderful family.大致就这样吧。中间穿插一些详细描写。这种LZ应该看的懂吧。我就不翻译了、、 希望能帮到你。^-^


Life is like the ocean and we are the boats. While there are numerous waves on the ocean, we have palce to harbor in, they are our families. I have a happy family, and there are four people members. T...


Life is like the ocean and we are the boats. While there are numerous waves on the ocean, we have palce to harbor in, they are our families. I have a happy family, and there are four people members. They are my father, my mother, my elder sister and me. My father is a businessman, he is very busy every day. But, he is also the head of our family and he always makes wise decisions for our family. My mother is a housewife, she is a very carful woman and she takes good care of everyone in my family. My sister is a universisty student, though she doesn't live with us now, we still keep in touch with each other. I am a middle school student, I have a lot of homework to do, but I try my best to do some housework to help my mother. Because I love my parents and my sister, I love my family.


I have a happy family,there are four families, my dear father and mother, smart sister and me .

英语翻译要写有四个人的,有一个姐姐,有一个我,还有爸爸妈妈 一个城周围有四个人的成语 摆 渡 高晓声 有四个人到了渡口,要到彼岸去. 这四个人:一个是有钱的,一个是大力士,一个是有权的,一原文 有四个人,他们的年龄一个比一大1岁,他们的年龄的乘积43680,这四个人的年龄各是多少? 有四个人,他们的年龄一个比一个大一岁,他们的年龄的乘积是43680,这四个人的年问:这四个人的年龄各是多少? 作文《我的家庭》我们家 四个人 (有姐姐) 爸爸做物流的 妈妈餐饮 我的学习中等 我家有四个人的英文怎么写 妈妈,我想你了,你什么时候回来呀…:-(我家有四个人,爸爸、妈妈、姐姐和我.爸爸妈妈还有姐姐都在广东,妈妈是华泽集团销售部经理,爸爸好像是卖房产的,姐姐是会计,只有我一个小男孩在安 一个热气球上有四个人、一个是生物科学家、一个是研究管道的... 我们有四个人,每天必须有3个人上班,要怎么安排才能达到每个人一个月内有10天的休息天,相当于上两天休一 有四个人到了渡口,要到彼岸去.这四个人,一个是有钱的,一个是大力士,一个是有权的,一个是作家.他们 一个寝室有四个人,有一个人是周末回家的,该如何安排值日表好呢? 地上有四个人成语 有四个人,他们的年龄一个比一个大一岁,他们年龄的乘积是43680... 有四个人,他们的年龄一个比一大1岁,他们的年龄乘积43680,他们的年龄各是多少? 五本书分给四个人每人至少有一本的概率是多少? 有四个人,他们的年龄一个比一个大1岁,他们的年龄的乘积是43680,这四个人的年龄各是多少? 有四个人,他们的年龄一个比一个大1岁,他们的年龄的乘积是43680,这四个人的年龄各是多少?