(题目就不分类了)医生告诉我深吸一口气.____________________.(一段话)Unluxkily,it b___ to rain then.The Smiths had to go home.On the w___ back home,their car was broken.So they had to walk.When they got home,they were all w__

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 16:07:02

(题目就不分类了)医生告诉我深吸一口气.____________________.(一段话)Unluxkily,it b___ to rain then.The Smiths had to go home.On the w___ back home,their car was broken.So they had to walk.When they got home,they were all w__
(一段话)Unluxkily,it b___ to rain then.The Smiths had to go home.On the w___ back home,their car was broken.So they had to walk.When they got home,they were all w___.(完)
Miss Gao often tells us to speak English as much as p___.
I called you yesterday ,but you were___.
香港夏天雨水多.There's ___ ___ ___ ___ in summer in Hong Kong.
用餐后马上清洗餐具是个好习惯.it's a good habit ____________after dinner.
有时我会去看望孤寡老人.i go to visit the old people who live alone_________________.

(题目就不分类了)医生告诉我深吸一口气.____________________.(一段话)Unluxkily,it b___ to rain then.The Smiths had to go home.On the w___ back home,their car was broken.So they had to walk.When they got home,they were all w__
The doctor told me to take a deep breath.
began to rain,way back home,all wet.
as much as possible.
but you were busy.
There's a lot of rain
washing up after dinner.
sometimes 或 occasionally


The doctor told me to take a deep breath
burst way wet
a lot of rain
cieaning tableware immediately
from time to time

(题目就不分类了)医生告诉我深吸一口气.____________________.(一段话)Unluxkily,it b___ to rain then.The Smiths had to go home.On the w___ back home,their car was broken.So they had to walk.When they got home,they were all w__ “医生让我深吸一口气”汉译英 英语翻译1.你在会上还看见谁了2.还有别人想看这本书的吗?3.去欧洲度假怎么样?4.医生让我深吸一口气5.如果你感到非常累的话,也许睡一会就好了、6.我估计他很快回来7.孩子们现在很安静,我 廉颇静下心来想了想,觉得自己为了争一口气,就不顾国家的利益,真不应该.---------写了什么 题目:现在请你深吸一口气,你知道空气通过哪些结构进入体内? 深深地叹了一口气的深是什么意思 此题如何进行分类(题目就一句话)解关于x的不等式(ax-1)(x^2-x-2)>0不劳烦具体做,就说一下怎么分类就行了.还有,分类的依据就是说,为什么是这样分的分的好像都不对~我手上有个正确答 呼吸不顺畅怎么回事?本人三十身体健壮去医院没检查出任何情况,症状是一口气吸不到底快到底的时候就吸不动了,而过一小会就有一口气能吸到底很舒服,还有就是老想打哈气才会舒服,不是 就剩下微弱的一口气了换成成语, 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊,你能告诉我条日记内容+题目(题目新颖一点)吗?拜托了~~~直接告诉我题目和内容就行了!! 深吸一口气用英语怎么说 关于龙的故事 (只告诉我故事题目就可以了) 只要告诉我这个题目让我们做什么,就可以了. 深深地叹了一口气 廉颇静下心来想了想,觉得自己为了争一口气,就不顾国家的利益,真不应该.此时廉颇的心情是? 人生就像呼吸,呼是为出一口气,吸是为争一口气用英语怎么说的? 深深地叹了一口气中深的意思是什么 数的分类告诉我!不告诉我去死!