
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 23:18:06


1.McQueen's mother Joyce died on February 2. The designer told his followers on Twitter the sad news the next day.
2.He wrote: "I'm letting my followers know the my mother passed away yesterday if it she had not me nor would you RIP mumx".
3.McQueen's Twitter page, McQueenWorld, has been taken down, but according to cached copies his last message was left on Tuesday.
4.Two police officers were standing on Thursday afternoon outside the entrance to the six-storey red-brick building, in an exclusive area of Mayfair, where McQueen lived.
5.A man with short blond hair, who said he was Mr McQueen's boyfriend, was allowed inside at 4.15pm.
6.The man, who did not give his name to reporters, declined to pay any tribute and looked distressed.
7.There were tearful scenes among staff working at McQueen's company headquarters in Farringdon, central London.
8.One woman was seen with her head in her hands while another man left the office in tears.
9.The designer's real name was Lee McQueen, but he was known as Alexander.
10.He grew up in the East End of London and had a desire to be a fashion designer from an early age.
11.He got his training in tailoring in Savile Row and made suits for Prince Charles.
12.He was named British designer of the year four times between 1996 and 2003.
13.He then went on to be awarded the CBE, as well as being named International Designer of the Year at the Council of Fashion Designer Awards.
14.West Mercia Constabulary said a five-year-old girl and a six-year-old boy were both in a critical condition after being airlifted to hospital in Birmingham following the incident in Evesham, Worcestershire.
15.Officers later arrested a man on suspicion of attempted murder.
16.The younger child was only rescued from the submerged vehicle by police divers two hours after the emergency services were called to Boat Lane in Evesham.
17.A police spokesman said: "Officers were called to the scene at around 9.19am after reports a car had entered the river containing occupants."
18.The police spokesman, who would not comment on the relationship between the man and the children, added that a man had been arrested in Evesham on suspicion of attempted murder.
19.West Midlands Ambulance Service said the boy and a man in the car had escaped from the water when its crews arrived but the girl was rescued from the vehicle by police divers.
20."Toyota has issued a recall of 8.1 million vehicles whose faulty gas pedals could cause them to accelerate out of control.
21.In their defense Toyota's slogan is "Moving Forward" -- they don't say anything in there about stopping," quipped late night comedian Stephen Colbert on his eponymous show "The Colbert Report."
22.The other night-time US talkshow hosts were quick to jump in, too.
23. They're doing something this year that is going to add a little more excitement. All the bobsleds are made by Toyota.
24.Comedian David Letterman at CBS similarly couldn't help himself.
25."Critics of the automobile industry are saying that Toyota executives knew about the problems with the brakes years and years ago.
26.And they are wondering, rightly so, why did they drag their feet?
27."Things are dangerous, and I'm coming to work in my car. Here's how scary it is.
28.On the Internet meanwhile, fun-making users of micro-blogging site Twitter were keeping up with their professional counterparts.
29.The technical problems have become a public relations nightmare for Toyota, one of Japan's greatest corporate icons, after millions of recalls were issued because of "sticky accelerators" that can cause cars to race out of control, and because of braking problems on Prius and other hybrid models.
30.US officials this week said they were also reviewing complaints about steering problems on Toyota's popular Corolla cars.
31.While falling short of rival Sotheby's tally on Wednesday of 54.1 million pounds at the equivalent auction, the result reinforces the view of many experts that confidence has returned to the art market faster than they had expected.
32.At the same sale in 2009 Christie's raised just 8.4 million pounds, reflecting weak demand due to the financial crisis and limited supply of top works as owners awaited a recovery before releasing their art for sale.
33."The strong results at our international auctions during the second half of last year encouraged vendors who were previously resistant to consign works of art," said Francis Outred, head of post-war and contemporary art at Christie's in Europe
34.The increased supply of quality works fed a strong demand and led to competitive bidding this evening.
35.Top lot on the night was "Relief Eponge or (RE47II)" by Yves Klein, which sold for 5.9 million pounds compared with pre-sale estimates of 5-7 million pounds.
36.A new auction record was set in London last week when a Giacometti statue fetched $104.3 million at Sotheby's.
37.Children at Ashcombe Primary School were stopped from exchanging cards because the head teacher said they were not emotionally mature enough to cope.
38.Peter Turner told parents of the 430 pupils that cards would be confiscated.

39."It's a tradition, I can remember when I used to receive cards from boys in school. It's a lovely thing to do.
40."Most of the parents were laughing about it, but the children are wondering what's going on because they've sent cards before."
41.She said: "It's only a bit of fun once a year and it doesn't mean anything to kids that age.
42."I just think it is rather silly. Haven't they anything better to worry about at that school?"
43.A spokesman for North Somerset Council said the head teacher was happy to discuss the issue with any parents who have concerns.
44.He said: "Ashcombe is a primary school and they believe that children under the age of 11 are still emotionally and socially developing and therefore cards declaring love can be confusing.
45."Any families wishing to send cards are asked to send them in the post or deliver to home addresses by hand."
46.Mr Turner said in the newsletter that children get upset when they are "dumped" which interrupts their learning.
47.He said children should wait until they are mature enough emotionally and socially to understand the commitment in having a boyfriend or girlfriend.
48.A woman who has a seven-year-old at the school said: "I think it's absolutely ridiculous.
49.Stents are tiny wire-mesh tubes used to keep an artery open after it is unclogged in an angioplasty procedure.
50.Doctors thread a tube through a blood vessel in the groin to a blocked artery, inflate a balloon to flatten the clog, and slide the stent into place.
51.Dr Clyde Yancy, the president of the American Heart Association, said it was "not unexpected" that Mr Clinton needed two new stents.
52.Patients often required another procedure five to 10 years after a bypass or angioplasty because new clogs tended to develop, he said.
53."This kind of disease is progressive. It's not a one-time event, so it really points out the need for constant surveillance," Dr Yancy told the Associated Press.
54.Last year, he was appointed UN special envoy to Haiti, and has been working in recent weeks to help the relief effort in the wake of the devastating earthquake there on 12 January.
55.Mr Band said that after recovering, the former president would "continue to focus on the work of his foundation and Haiti's relief and long-term recovery efforts".
56.A friend of Mr Clinton's told ABC News that he had been suffering from a cold and had been worn out from a trip to Haiti last week.
57.Following a visit to his cardiologist, he underwent a procedure to place two stents in one of his coronary arteries. President Clinton is in good spirits."
58.Mr Clinton served two terms as president, during which he became known for his love of fast food and jogging.
59.He later set up the William J Clinton Foundation to promote and address international humanitarian causes such as treatment and prevention of HIV/Aids and global warming.
60.Mr Band said: "Today President Bill Clinton was admitted to the Columbia Campus of New York Presbyterian Hospital after feeling discomfort in his chest.
61.Mr Clinton had quadruple-bypass surgery in September 2004 after experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath.
62.His wife, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, headed to New York from Washington to be with him.
63.The 63-year-old had two stents - wire-mesh tubes that help the flow of blood - placed in a coronary artery at Columbia Presbyterian hospital.
64.The first minister went on: "Every MSP should have a duty of care to their constituents and if you can help you should try to help. That is what a real constituency MSP like Nicola Sturgeon serves her constituents for."
65.Mr Salmond cited examples of other court cases where politicians, including Gordon Brown, had written references on behalf of constituents.
66.When the case called at court on Wednesday, Sheriff Alan MacKenzie told Rauf a jail term was "at the forefront" of his mind, but deferred sentence for three months and released him on bail.
67.The conviction was Rauf's second for fraud - in 1996 he was given a four-year sentence for stealing nearly £60,000 in pension and benefit payments when he was a sub-post master at Tollcross in Edinburgh.
68.He told MSPs: "The justice secretary has called for new laws to confiscate the assets of criminals. He says they are parasites who live off the back of law-abiding folk.
69.In her letter to the court, Ms Sturgeon, who became aware of the case in July 2008, asked the court not to jail Rauf, pointing out he had health problems and a family with children under the age of 10.
70.Her letter also stated Rauf had repaid £27,000 of the money owed and was planning to sell one of his properties to repay the rest.
The larger, more expensive properties in the same areas saw a decline in the number of properties sold of between 1% and 4%.
The Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) has previously said that the tax break was of greatest benefit to buyers who lived in the South East of England, but outside London.
Sales of homes below the stamp duty threshold in England and Wales rose sharply in the last three months of 2009, research has shown.
Transactions in areas where the average price was below £175,000 increased by 10.2% compared with the previous quarter, said the Acadametrics report.

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