一篇英语作文关于中国和美国在对待时间上的 不同

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 17:06:51

一篇英语作文关于中国和美国在对待时间上的 不同
一篇英语作文关于中国和美国在对待时间上的 不同

一篇英语作文关于中国和美国在对待时间上的 不同
Good morning everyone,today we鈥檒l look at culture or rather classifications of cultures.Usually when we deal with different people,we deal with them as if we were all members of the same culture.However,it鈥檚 possible that people from different cultures have different assumptions about the world,regarding such important and basic ideas as time,personal space.And this is the view of Edward Hall.And Edward Hall is an anthropologist who spent a large part of his life studying American Indians,their culture,their language,but he was different from a lot of other anthropologists who just study one culture.He was interested in the relations between cultures,how cultures interact,what Hall believes is that cultures can be classified by placing them on a continuing,ranging from what he called high-context to low-context.
OK,what is a high-context culture?A high-context culture is a culture in which the context of the message or the action or an event carries a large part of its meaning and significance.What this means is that in a high-context culture more attention is paid to what鈥檚 happening in and around the message than to the message itself.Now let me give you examples.First in terms of personal space,generally speaking in a high-context culture,because there鈥檚 a greater dependency on group thinking,people lean towards heavier sensory involvement or closeness to people.And they have less respect for privacy,for personal space.If you go into that culture,people might stand closer when they鈥檙e talking to you.They might touch more and if they鈥檙e justled in a crowd,they won鈥檛 feel violated.And also people from a high-context culture pay attention to body language.Because remember what I said,the definition of a high-context culture is that more attention is paid to the context of the message than to the message itself.And part of the context is body language.Second in terms of time,people in high-context cultures are considered to have what is called a polychronic attitude toward time.Here 鈥減oly鈥 means multiple and 鈥渃hronic鈥 means time.What this means is that they believe people,things,events have their own time and there can鈥檛 be a standard system of time for everything.What this leads them to believe is that you can鈥檛 emphasize punctuality.Things happen when they are supposed to happen.So there鈥檚 a different attitude toward time.There is no set standard of time.You can鈥檛 control time.Everything has its own sense of time.So it鈥檚 a culture that pays little attention to time,to clock time.
Now,let鈥檚 move on to low-context culture.A lower context culture is just the opposite.A low-context culture is one in which the message,the event or the action is a separate entity,having meaning onto itself,regardless of the surroundings or the context.That the message,the event,the action has meaning in itself.So what this means in a low-context culture is that people pay more attention to the event itself rather than to the context which surrounds the event or the message.For example,in terms of personal space again.There鈥檚 more emphasis on individuality,so the concept of privacy is very very important whereas before as I said in a high-context culture they might not even be concerned with privacy or personal space.But in a low-context culture,there鈥檚 a feeling that we each have our own personal space.If you get too close,if you don鈥檛 knock on doors before entering,that鈥檚 an invasion of privacy; people feel violated.There鈥檚 a respect and desire for privacy,and you also see that people might pay less attention to body language because as I said the message is,the message is everything.They are not going to worry about all the details around it.What you say is the important thing or what you do is the important thing.Another example of a low-context culture is people鈥檚 attitude towards time.In terms of time,I said before there was a polychronic sense of time in a high-context culture.What do you think there would be in a low-context culture?Monochronic!Right!A monochronic sense of time and by that we mean that there is one time.And that concept means that people in a low-context culture believe that there鈥檚 one standard of time and that should be for everything.And so I鈥檓 not willing to hear 鈥淥h,the traffic was heavy.That鈥檚 why I am late.鈥 or 鈥淥h,I slept late.鈥 People in a low-context culture would be much more upset with lateness because they feel that everyone should follow the same time; there shouldn鈥檛 be all this flexibility with time and they expect punctuality.And they look at time as almost a commodity that they use expressions like 鈥渦se time鈥?鈥渢o waste time鈥?鈥渢o spend time鈥 or 鈥渢ime is money鈥?All of these expressions reinforce the concept that time is actually something you can hold onto.So what this is all about is that Hall expresses that people need to be aware of these different consumptions or concepts about reality.And he thinks that this has all kinds of relevance no matter what you鈥檙e doing,if you鈥檙e in business,negotiations,interpersonal relations.If you鈥檙e dealing with people from different cultures in any way,it鈥檚 going to affect every part of your life.In any multicultural situation,these assumptions need to be taken into account for successful interactions.
Ok,today,we鈥檒l take a brief look at Edward Hall鈥檚 view of culture,mainly his classification of high or low context culture with some examples.Next week,we鈥檒l look at some more examples of cultures on the continuing between high-context and low-context cultures.

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