一篇有关大学生逃课的作文,题目SKipping Classes要求:不少于120个词提示:1、大学生逃课普遍现象2、由此带来的问题 3、从我做起,杜绝逃课

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 13:34:48

一篇有关大学生逃课的作文,题目SKipping Classes要求:不少于120个词提示:1、大学生逃课普遍现象2、由此带来的问题 3、从我做起,杜绝逃课
一篇有关大学生逃课的作文,题目SKipping Classes

一篇有关大学生逃课的作文,题目SKipping Classes要求:不少于120个词提示:1、大学生逃课普遍现象2、由此带来的问题 3、从我做起,杜绝逃课
In colleges and universities, the phenomenon of students’ skipping classes is not unusual. There are often some students who skip those classes for feeling unwell or other private reasons. Besides, still some students don’t go to class without any reason but for they don’t want to.
There are two main reasons for college students skip classes.First,compared with middle school ,students have more ** in college.It depends more on one student's consciousness whether he will attend the class.So those students lacking self-discipline begin to skip classes.Second,some teachers' classes couldn't attract students' interests so that some students who rather skip classes to study what they are interested in.
For whatever reasons,skipping classes does bring negative affects on students' study.Therefore,it is necessary to take some effective measures to reduce those phenomenon.On the one hand,the school and teachers should make students realize the negative effects of skipping classes and increase their consciousness of attending the class.On the other hand,teachers have to improve their teaching quality to attract students' interests.Only in this way can the phenomenon of skipping classes be reduced as soon as possibly.

一篇有关大学生逃课的作文,题目SKipping Classes要求:不少于120个词提示:1、大学生逃课普遍现象2、由此带来的问题 3、从我做起,杜绝逃课 求英语达人还给写一篇有关大学生参加社会活动的英语作文 求一篇有关“自立,自强”的主题的作文主题是“ 自立,自信,自强”与贫困大学生有关,表现贫困大学生自立,自信,自强的文章 求大学生不文明行为的英语作文例如在桌子上涂鸦、逃课、偷自行车、占座等就此表达你的看法 求一篇关于逃课的英文检讨书随便写写 求一篇大学英语作文,题目是“高级电子设备对于大学生是必要的么?”议论文形式,三段论式.急要求:根据以下提示写三段论,120字左右.1,如今,不少大学生拥有高级电子设备,如智能手机、平板 求一篇英语120字的作文!题目是college student's living condition 反映大学生生活状况啊,什么蚁族啊 蜗居这种现象的啊. 有关一篇题目为《我长大了》的一篇作文,300字左右. 谁能帮我找很多有关生活小常识的题目?大学生生活小知识竞赛 题目为“我眼中的文明礼仪”作文写一篇有关礼仪的作文, 求一篇题目为“感恩”的作文.有关三八妇女节的作文 有关春节的作文题目 有关环保的作文题目 有关成长的作文题目 有关诚信的作文题目 有关爱国的作文题目 有关诚信的作文题目 有关书的作文题目