
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 21:07:33


I’m sorry to say that I haven’t seen the email on the order confirmation and
the payment before,so I have failed to give you a reply in time.I went to
Japan in mid-August.I bought these two articles when I saw them there.
Now I want to cancel this order.I’m very sorry for bringing you much
inconvenience.I’ll try my best to avoid the case like this in the future.

I'm very sorry about this order, before the confirmation and payment message did not see, did not reply in a timely manner. Since mid August to Japan, in Japan to see these two goods when they bought ...


I'm very sorry about this order, before the confirmation and payment message did not see, did not reply in a timely manner. Since mid August to Japan, in Japan to see these two goods when they bought the two, so now want to cancel this order. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience! I'll try to no longer appear this kind of circumstance


I'm so sorry for not replying your email immdiately which has been confirmed and paid for.For that i bought two piece of such goods in August in Japen,I want to cancel my order.Then I want to say sorry again to you for inconvenience ! And I'll try my best not to let such things happen again .

I'm very sorry for not replying your letter in time, which is about confirming and paying on the order, as I didn't see it.
The fact is that I want to cancel the order as I had bought two piece w...


I'm very sorry for not replying your letter in time, which is about confirming and paying on the order, as I didn't see it.
The fact is that I want to cancel the order as I had bought two piece when I was in Japan in the mid August.
I am so sorry for the inconvenience it brings. And I will try my best to avoid things like this happen again.


I'm very sorry about this order, before the confirmation and payment message did not see, did not reply in a timely manner. Since mid August to Japan, in Japan to see these two goods when they bought ...


I'm very sorry about this order, before the confirmation and payment message did not see, did not reply in a timely manner. Since mid August to Japan, in Japan to see these two goods when they bought the two, so now want to cancel this order. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience! I'll try to no longer appear this kind of circumstance


Dear xx,
I am so sorry for the late reply to your email regarding confirmation and payment of this order. I didn't see it as I went to Japan in August.
What happened was that when I was in Jap...


Dear xx,
I am so sorry for the late reply to your email regarding confirmation and payment of this order. I didn't see it as I went to Japan in August.
What happened was that when I was in Japan, I saw the two items (in a shop) and bought them right away. So I have to cancel the order since I have them now.
I apologize for such inconvenience to you, and I shall do my best to avoid such things anymore in the future.
Yours truly


汉译英,内容主要为回复一个订单,不要机译非常抱歉,之前关于确认此订单并付款的邮件没有看到,没有及时回复.因为8月中旬去了日本,在日本看到这两件商品时便购入了这两件,所以现在想取 英语翻译把以下的话翻译成英文:您好,我在你们网站下了6个订单,订单号分别为:****,请每个订单的产品只用一个包裹寄出(包括送的),可以合起来但不要拆开订单发货.也就是说,我下的六个订单, 请问英语怎么说:装箱单完全是按照订单的实际内容来做的(一份订单对应一个装箱单号) 谢谢你这么忙还回复我email 英语怎么说?不要机译 北美洲 南美洲 大洋洲的主要外流河、内流河 主要湖泊 气候只要这三个大洲的,内容不要太多,但一定要精确 一个小时之内回答正确 英语翻译HI SANNY,有任何消息了吗?上个订单出货的事情一直没有得到您的回复.现在我们有另外一个订单的货可以一起出,现在更新了BOOKING,再传给你们.附件是PI,CI.请传给我们SO.请尽快回复,XX 求简爱的主要人物以及他们的主要故事情节不要概括!要主要的内容 英语翻译我们愿意给你公司一个样品订单金额为3000美元 ____引领我成长作文 700字在前面加一个词,如挫折、自信一类的 内容写关于社会的或者家庭的事,不要学校的.希望今晚能收到回复, 以“日出”为内容,写一个比喻句不要写像苹果或者橘子 一个回复我的短信,内容如下:你少骨痹一点我就点烟花庆祝咯. 高尔基的童年内容不要主要说了什么```只要故事内容 英语翻译谨此提醒:根据约定,贵司每月至少采购2个彩墨集装箱订单(不包括黑墨),但是,8月彩墨订单为30包,即一个半箱子,下个月的订单是18包,不到一个箱子,请尽快下达新订单,以满足我们 不要回复用英语怎么说 中文翻译成英文:订单是否确认?如果确认了请签字回复给我. 紧急求助“没有收到SJ-001的订单回复”,英语怎么说合适, 英语翻译请问我可以通过PayPal付订单款$79.50给你们吗?如果可以请给一个你们的PayPal帐号,及付款需要备注的内容. 成长哲理类作文请以“成长历程故事”为主要写作内容,阐发你在成长过程获得的启示或哲理.要求:800字 不要太多.