
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/18 07:08:32


【During the valid period of the contract,Party A shall make request to Party B at least 20 working days ahead for extending the loan period in case Party A can not repay the loan based on the terms of the contract due to objective reasons.After Party B’s approval,both parties shall sign supplementary agreement of extending loan period,and deal with related work.Party A can apply for such loan extension only once.Sum of the duration of the original loan and extending period shall be no more than 30 years.When the sum of period duration exceed to a new interest rate level ,then from the start date of the extending period,the loan interest rates shall refer to the interest level.Besides,the monthly payments shall be recalculated based on the balance of the loan value,period and new interest rate.It shall not be adjusted for the interests already collected.】

Party a during the performance of this contract, such as caused by objective reasons can not repay loan chapter according to the contract agreement, 20 working days in advance to apply for extension o...


Party a during the performance of this contract, such as caused by objective reasons can not repay loan chapter according to the contract agreement, 20 working days in advance to apply for extension of the loan term, after approved by party b, both sides signed the agreement on delayed payments and the extension of the repayment period and related formalities. Party a to apply for loan extension only once. The original loan period and extension of the period the longest do not exceed the sum of 30 years. Plus the original borrowing time limit extension to new term when this time, since delay on duty, loan interest rate according to the new deadline class interest rate execution, and according to the loan balance, the rest of the time limit and the new interest rate to calculate monthly payments. Have collecting interest not to adjust.


Party A during the performance of the contract, as a result of objective reasons
can not go by the contract to repay the loan, to be ahead of 20 working days to
Party B for extend the loan p...


Party A during the performance of the contract, as a result of objective reasons
can not go by the contract to repay the loan, to be ahead of 20 working days to
Party B for extend the loan period, Party B is approved, the two sides signed
the agreement for the extension of the repayment and extend the repayment period
and other relevant formalities. Party A shall apply for loan extension only
once. The duration of the original loan and extend the deadline and the length
of not more than 30 years. The duration of the original loan plus the extension
to a new term when, from the deferred duty, loan interest rates by the new
period of interest rate, and calculate the monthly payments to the loan balance,
the remaining period and the new interest rate. Has been collecting interest no


英语翻译甲方在本合同履行期间,如因客观原因导致不能按章合同约定按期归还借款,须提前20个工作日向乙方申请延长借款期限,经乙方批准后,双方签订延期还款协议并办理延长还款期限等有 英语翻译如因国家政策,法规的调整使本合同不能正常履行,由双方另行协商. 合同这句如何翻?如在执行本合同期间发生地震,洪水和流行疾病等不可抗力之情况,本合同自行终止,双方均不承担责任,甲方尽快安排工作人员回国. 英语翻译九,付款日期及结算方式:乙方收到货后30天内凭增值税发票付款.十、违约责任:(1)在履行合同过程中如乙方在收到甲方货物后,违反本合同第九条规定,则按所欠货款总额的5%-10%支 英语翻译1、本合同期满,乙方如需续约或有其他经营意向,应提前二个月向甲方提出书面申请,双方另行协商签订合同.2、在合同有效期内,因不可抗力或政府征用商场用地,本合同自动解除.3、本 1、甲方应依照合同按时向乙方支付制作费用.在模型制作过程中,甲方应对乙方的工作予以及时配合.如因甲方要求暂停制作或终止本合同,甲方应及时通知乙方.乙方已收的制作费用不予退回,对 英语翻译乙方在现场设备安装调试期间对甲方现场的设备设施负有保护责任,如因乙方原因造成的损坏均由乙方负责赔偿(赔偿标准按甲方公司相关管理文件执行). 有关合同条款的问题我公司作为乙方,该如何理解?是不是对我们很不利?“乙方对于由乙方主导进行的协商或在参与因乙方履行或违反本合同义务而产生的诉讼过程中,乙方应使甲方免于遭受并 英语翻译1.本方系依法注册并合法存续,具备签订和履行本协议所需的完全民事权利能力和行为能力2.对因本合同(包括但不限于合同谈判、签订合同、履行合同、变更合同、终止合同)而知 英语翻译{乙方不履行本合同及以后针对某个项目可能与甲方签订的服务合同约定的义务,严重影响甲方工作及项目顺利进行的}我翻译的是,If Party B fails to perform the contract and seriously influences the 英语翻译不可抗力11.1 如果双方中的任何一方由于战争.水灾.台风.火灾.罢工.暴风雨.地震或其它不能预见.不能避免并且不能克服的客观情况影响本合同的执行时,在双方协定下,履行合同的期 英语翻译甲方违约责任补充约定:甲方连续3期或累计6期未按约定的金额偿还贷款本息,甲方被视为违反本借款合同,本贷款合同项下全部借款立即到期,如甲方以定期存单出质,该质押的定期存 英语翻译六、本合同第四条为乙方选择条款,乙方可以不填写.合同订立后,乙方不能交付本合同全款的,须向甲方缴纳不低于本合同交易金额20%的定金.当甲方收到乙方的剩余款额(余款在一周 英语翻译租赁期间,非本合同规定的情况甲方擅自解除本合同,提前收回该房屋的,甲方应按月租金的—倍向乙方支付违约金.若支付的违约金不足抵付乙方损失的,甲方还应负责赔偿. 英语翻译XXXX年X月XX日,甲乙双方经协商签订了一份,现租赁期限即将届满,鉴于双方在履行该合同的过程中合作得比较愉快,故经协商,双方决定继续按原协商条款履行该合同,继续履行的期限为X 英语翻译对所有因履行本协议而产生的任何权利、所有权、权益和知识产权包括但不限于著作权、专利权、技术秘密、商业机密及其他,无论是由甲方还是乙方开发的,甲方均享有独占和排他 35分求委托加工合同英语翻译一、合约标的1.加工项目:以甲方订单为准,订单经甲方签章发送乙方后,乙方应在2个工作日内加盖公章回传甲方.2.加工数量:以甲方订单为准.数量如需变更时,甲 英语翻译翻译这段话 截止到12月3日甲方和乙方本着友好合作的精神签订本合同,根据合同甲方聘请乙方为外籍工作人员,合同条件如下