
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 11:03:29


Since Yao Ming joined NBA in 2002 , the discussion about if he can be
a super star has never been terminated. As we know , Yao is a quite
high and strong player in NBA. And depending on his height and
weight ,Yao can contorl the restricted area easily just like O'Neil.
Besides his body , his skills are more comprehensive than other
centers.By this I mean comparing with other same-position players ,
Yao is very sucessful because he can use more advantages to face
different players. In this aspect , Yao has already been a super
star. On the other hand , Only playing well is not enough to make a
man become a god. Why poeple pay more attention on Kobe , James ,
Iverson ? those players are not only playing well , but also mark
matchs with their own signs. They make their matchs differ from
others. Although they may have weaknesses , poeple still like to
watch theie performance. So , if Yao can put his feature into
matchs , it will be soon to get a great achievement.
All in all , in my view point , Yao has a good future considering his
ability and faith.
说实话120字真的不够 大概写了200字才稍微说明白 希望对你有帮助
另外 如果你觉得满意 以后想写什么英文的东西可以找我~~~

黄浦江之畔产一畸人,体长七尺六寸有余,面凹而臂短,天生智障,众人皆谓之曰姚大傻。美利坚国有篮球教头偶 见大傻,惊为天人,评曰:此乃奇货也,用之可谋中国之财。遂引之。大傻于美利坚赛场之上,丑态频出,接球必被盗,上篮必被盖,摔倒不计其数,不时遭殴而不敢言,常被暴扣而 不 敢怒,实乃华夏之辱也,然则美利坚人大获颇丰,笑言:中国人傻钱多也。时国内有智力低下小儿者众,自谓姚蜜 ,为大傻所征服,于各论坛之上,...


黄浦江之畔产一畸人,体长七尺六寸有余,面凹而臂短,天生智障,众人皆谓之曰姚大傻。美利坚国有篮球教头偶 见大傻,惊为天人,评曰:此乃奇货也,用之可谋中国之财。遂引之。大傻于美利坚赛场之上,丑态频出,接球必被盗,上篮必被盖,摔倒不计其数,不时遭殴而不敢言,常被暴扣而 不 敢怒,实乃华夏之辱也,然则美利坚人大获颇丰,笑言:中国人傻钱多也。时国内有智力低下小儿者众,自谓姚蜜 ,为大傻所征服,于各论坛之上,为其主子摇旗呐喊,吹捧之肉麻,不堪入耳,尤以央视者,国之大台也,以势凌 人,聘专家若干,逢姚必捧,混淆曲直,颠倒黑白。有醒世之人,为风气不正而痛心疾首,屡指出大傻之弊端,其 言之理智当为警世之真言,姚蜜大怒,斥其谓之姚黑,盖以叛国汉奸之名。呜呼,浮夸之风,日渐而长,国之大危,当在顷刻之间。当年亩产万斤,而今姚傻天下第一,皆为浮夸所累 ,国人当自醒矣
