
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 07:46:58


The environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems that mankind faces today.垃圾是其中的一种污染.Garbage is a type of pollution,light pollution ,Air pollution ,and water pollution all interact to upset our delicate ecosystem .光污染,空气污染还有谁污染都能打乱我们脆弱的生态系统.What did we do to protect the environment?在保护环境方面我们都做了些什么呢.it's important to protect the environment and have clean air,We must awaken our people to the need to protect our environment保护环境、拥有清新的空气十分重要,我们必须使人民认识到保护环境的必然性.To save our world,it's our duty and our responsibility to protect environment at once为了挽救我们的世界,立即行动起来保护环境是我们的责任和义务.Protection the earth's environment,it is the homeland of all mankind保护地球环境,他是人类共有的家园.朋友们,我们只有一个地球啊!
My friends,we have only one earth!
