
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 04:50:53


Leon (Jean Reno) is a tortured soul.He lives in squalor and misery,never truly happy or at peace with himself.After all,he is a hitman.He lives quietly from kill to kill,harming no-one whom he has not been paid to assassinate.He is a simplistic,childlike man who lives by his own set of morals but is troubled by them.The one thing he seems to fear above all else is change.
Mathilda (Natalie Portman) is Leon's neighbour.A young girl,she lives with her father,step-mother,half-sister and half-brother.As unhappy as Leon,she lives in awe of the dark stranger,unaware of his true profession.Beaten by her parents and sister,she has abandoned school and instead spends the day watching cartoons and trying to escape from the real world.
When Mathilda's family is brutally murdered by a drug crazed Norman Stansfield (Gary Oldman),her only chance for survival is to hide with her neighbour.When she learns of Leon's true identity,she becomes infatuated with both him,and the grim world he inhabits.
This stark portrayal of humanity and inhumanity is produced with the style and finesse that one expects from Luc Besson.In addition,the combined talents of Jean Reno,Natalie Portman and Gary Oldman provide not only an unmatched on-screen chemistry,but also three perfectly created characterisations,the like of which are rarely seen in today's cinema.This film has my personal recommendation of being the best piece of cinema that I know of.I have not seen anything that matches it in terms of intensity or emotion - and believe me,I've looked.I found myself caring for the characters involved,an unique experience in itself.This is not the type of film for a night in with your mates,but nevertheless,it is an unforgettable piece of cinematic history.


关键字 leo movie comments

[edit] Plot
Léon (Jean Reno) is a lonely and emotionally detached hitman. He lives a solitary life in New York City and spends his time watching musicals in between training and taking assassin jo...


[edit] Plot
Léon (Jean Reno) is a lonely and emotionally detached hitman. He lives a solitary life in New York City and spends his time watching musicals in between training and taking assassin jobs for Italian mafioso Tony (Danny Aiello). Léon is seen in a cinema, watching a musical with faint amazement at the joie de vivre depicted by the film's characters, something he himself is unable to express. He meets Mathilda (Natalie Portman), a twelve-year-old girl who lives with an abusive family in the same apartment building. After corrupt DEA agents, headed by agent Norman Stansfield (Gary Oldman), kill Mathilda's family, Léon saves Mathilda by grudgingly opening his apartment door to let her in with her groceries.
Mathilda then pressures Léon into taking her in, since she has nowhere to go. She tries to persuade him to teach her his trade so she can avenge her brother's murder. In return, she offers herself to do all his house work. After an initial one night stay at his apartment, Léon accepts her offer. Working together, the two slowly build an emotional attachment to each other, with Léon becoming both Mathilda's friend and also a father figure. In taking care of her, Léon begins to find something more meaningful in his life than his job.
As Mathilda gains confidence, she tails Stansfield and enters the DEA building in an attempt to kill him. She is caught by him and held as a captive by his cronies. Léon finds a letter of her intent on revenge and heads to the building. He rescues her, killing a number of Stansfield's men in the process. At this point, Mathilda is desperate for revenge and Leon has become sympathetic to her situation. (Unknown to Mathilda, Leon was out assassinating Stanfield's men while Mathilda was tailing Stanfield.) Stansfield becomes enraged by the "Italian hitman" and confronts Tony, who gives up Léon's whereabouts after a beating by Stansfield. As Mathilda returns home from grocery shopping, an NYPD ESU (Emergency Service Unit) team, headed by Stansfield, is waiting for her. Léon holds a member of the ESU team hostage, and orders him to let Mathilda go. He does, and Léon tells Mathilda to grab a nearby fire axe. Léon, still holding the ESU team member hostage, shoots the fire sprinkler and brings Mathilda into his room, leaving the ESU member outside. Assuming Léon had shot their colleague, the ESU team open fire, and accidentally kill their unarmed colleague. Léon hacks open a ventilation shaft located in the kitchen with the fire axe, and sends Mathilda to safety. As he tells her to go on, Léon expresses his love for her and how they will meet up and live a normal life together.
As Mathilda escapes the apartment and heads down the block amidst the large police presence, Léon is left behind. He uses the confusion of a rocket propelled grenade to steal a vest and mask from a fallen ESU officer. The next ESU officer that rushes in sees him wearing the uniform and assumes he is a fellow officer. He is ushered out of the smoke filled apartment. Seeing an opportunity to slip out unnoticed, Léon takes off out the building, where he is spotted by Stansfield. Stansfield sneaks up behind Léon and shoots him from behind. As Léon lies in a pool of blood, Stansfield has a chance to speak with Léon face to face before he dies. During their exchange, Léon reveals the pulled pin of a grenade that is strapped to his chest. (He had told Mathilda earlier in the film that this move is known as 'the ring trick') The grenade explodes and kills the two. Mathilda is then seen returning to school as the film ends. Mathilda plants Léon's plant (whom he refers to as his 'best friend' and nurtures throughout the film) in the grounds of the school, in memory of him, and as she had once promised she would, 'to give it roots'.


Slum area in New York lives an Italian, nameding 莱 to rise, occupation cutthroat.A day, the neighbor's house young girl horse 蒂尔 reaches to knock to open his door, requesting to be at him to avoid a f...


Slum area in New York lives an Italian, nameding 莱 to rise, occupation cutthroat.A day, the neighbor's house young girl horse 蒂尔 reaches to knock to open his door, requesting to be at him to avoid a fatal disaster temporary here.Originally, the host of neighbor's house are the police's informers, grafting one packet drug but being destroyed completely by bad 警 the slice of whole family to punish only because.The horse 蒂尔 reaches to get Lyons to stay to save, starting helping 莱 to rise servant also teach it how to know a word, the Lyons then teaches the girl how to make a gun, two people get along with harmonious.
The girl follows bad 警 , revenging hastily, anti- pour to be grasped.The 莱 is proud to arrive to in time, saving girl back.They move out again, but the girl still fall into the hand of bad 警 .The 莱 rises the 撂 pour an one police, again the extrication girl lets her flee for life through a well ventilated piping also, and instruct money that she goes to and accumulates the 攒 to him and take out.莱'S ising proud masquerades a police to want to mix a ring of encirclement, but is found by the bad 警 .Finally a moment, the Lyons set off the bomb of body ……
