
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 07:17:36


Son:Dad,I just realized that actually we are thieves...and what we are stealing is...let's face it,garbage!
Dad:It isn't stealing if no one wants it!
Son:If no one wants it,why are we stealing it?!
Dad:Food is fuel,if you get picky and don't put it into the tank,your engine is gonna die.Now shut up and eat your garbage!
Son:But if we have to be thieves,why don't we steal the good stuff in the kitchen,where the food is clean,not poison...
Dad:First of all,we are not thieves.Secondly,stay away from the kitchen,and away from the humans,it's dangerous!
Son:I know I'm suppose to hate the humans,but there's something special about them,they...they don't just survive,they discover,they create...
I'm just thinking that maybe one day we are all going to learn how to cook the food,just like them.

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