
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 17:23:16


Hakka culture refers to the culture of the hakka people together create,including hakka,drama,music,dance,crafts,folk customs,architecture,humanities,diet,etc.Hakka culture continuity,inclusive,diversity,openness and so on.
Hakka culture is an important part of southern China culture,also is the han Chinese culture,unique and rare treasures.Since one thousand,the hakka people tried to keep their unique culture,hakka culture is the han nationality in the tradition of the Chinese nation excellent culture,and advancing with The Times to create rich and colorful culture.Guangdong hakka culture as an important branch of lingnan culture,and wide mansion culture,the chaoshan culture,is the ancient south guangdong native culture and the han nationality culture in thousands of years of mutual integration of the culture of relatively stable.
Though hakka culture across China in guangdong,fujian,jiangxi,guangxi,sichuan,Taiwan and other provinces and overseas in Indonesia,Singapore,Thailand,etc.,the study of distribution of hakka history origin so wide,but it was not until the 20th century caused widespread attention.The hakka origin have some sporadic records,the earliest can be traced back to the middle of qing dynasty.